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  1. A

    Boss Fight Triggers

    Does anyone know how to do triggers for boss fights like in WoW? Basically, I want my boss unit to use all of his spells whenever they're not on cooldown. I tried the trigger of (Unit is Attacked) but that doesn't seem to work well. And then there are some spells like Ensnare, that I can't...
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    Targeting Problems

    Ok, I have a Storm Bolt spell at melee range. The problem is that after my Hero casts the spell, he then starts attacking another adjacent unit instead of keeping on the unit that was targeted with Storm Bolt. This is defaulted into the game. How do I make it so that whenever a unit casts a...
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    Team Color of Units

    In the Object Editor, I changed the team color of a specific unit to dark green and another specific unit to red. But when I play the map, those units have the team color of whatever color I am (usually blue). How come it's ignoring the team color I chose for those units? Is there a way to make...
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    Pseudo Random Distribution Question

    As most of you know, Warcraft uses a pseudo random distribution system when determining the % chance for spells like Bash, Critical Strike and Hardened Skin to proc. And from what I've read the chance goes up by 5% with each non-proccing swing. What I don't get though is this: What's the...
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    How do I make a corpse?

    Is there a way to scatter skeleton corpses around the map for design? The only corpses I could find were the 2 that were sitting and on a spike. But I'm looking for corpses that are just laying on the ground. They could be skeletons too (not live ones, but when a unit dies).
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    Question about Creeps using Abilities

    So my problem is that when I give a creep two or more active abilities, it will usually only use one of them (even if I put both on active). Is there any option that makes a creep use all of its abilities everytime they're not on cooldown? The only thing I can think of is with this trigger...
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    Searing Arrow Question

    How come my Searing Arrows ignore the cooldown if I just attack an area instead of a direct unit. However, when I click to attack a direct unit, the cooldown isn't ignored? Is there some way to make a Searing Arrow that does not ignore the cooldown no matter what? This should be a very simple...
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    Simple Multi-Shot Problem

    My Multi-Shot is not working for some reason. The first problem is that whenever the hero gets a critical strike, she'll only shoot one target even when Multi-Shot is active. The second problem is that when I activate multi-shot and then Berserk, the hero will keep multi-shot forever and ignore...
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    Make creeps never run back to camp?

    Is there a way to make it so creeps will always follow their attacker and won't run back to camp if the attacker runs out of range?
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    How Boss Script Fight?

    I'm trying to make a boss script fight similar to WoW, where the boss casts certain abilities periodically but I can't get it to work. The main problem is the units don't always cast the ability when the cooldown is finished. Instead, they'll just sit there with full mana and do a regular...
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    Trigger for Casting Ability of Specific Level?

    How do I make the game detect if a hero ability of a certain level is being cast? What I'm trying to do is give a hero an invisible ability when it casts a certain hero spell. But the invisible ability I'm giving it is stronger as the level of the hero spell is higher. Any suggestions?
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    Spellbook Ability Question

    I want to make a hero ability that gives the hero the Multi-shot skill (attacks 3 targets at once) when the ability is activated (and it lasts about 10 seconds). I think the best way to do this is by putting the Siege Tank multi-shot ability in a Spellbook, but I don't know what else I have to...
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    Problems with simple Searing Arrows

    The spell I'm trying to do is not difficult and doesn't require triggers, but for some reason it's not working... I'm using Searing Arrows as the base spell and just changed the cooldown to 8 seconds, instead of being useable for every attack. Sometimes it works and the cooldown triggers, but...
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    "Searing Arrows ignoring Cooldown" ...Problem

    I have a very simple spell based on Searing Arrows and the only thing I really modified was I made Searing Arrows have a cooldown of 10 seconds. So, the problem is that the cooldown only works sometimes. If I hit the hot key and attack with the spell (even if it's on auto-cast), the cooldown...
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    Simple Trigger and Spell Book Questions

    1. I know there's some kind of way to hide an ability button with a spellbook. What I'm trying to do is make an ability gain Multi-Shot but only for a short duration when it casts a Frenzy spell. The way I'm doing it is that when it casts something like "Frenzy", then I use a trigger to add...
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    Simple "Taunt" Question

    I'm trying to modify the Taunt ability in simple ways, but the editor is giving me two main problems. 1. First, it won't let me change the targets taunted to a simple number like 5. It's either 10 or 1. How do I make the number something else? 2. When I use the Taunt ability on my hero, it...
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    Quick General Spell Question - Pause after Cast

    With some spells (like Thunder Clap), after the hero casts it, he waits for about 2 seconds before going back to the normal automatic attack (unless I manually make him attack). I tried changing the Art Animation Names, but that doesn't help. How do I make it so the hero immediately and...