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  1. Z

    Attacking unit

    nvm.. i am a noob.
  2. Z

    Destructible variables

    i noticed, after waiting for a bit longer, whenever a new footman spawns, the rest of the footmen sitting at the gate will then go to attack the marine. can this be fixed with the loop action? how do i add it?
  3. Z

    Destructible variables

    How do i add the "loop" action?
  4. Z

    Destructible variables

    actually one more thing that is off topic, i have made it so that after the gate is destroyed, units are supoosed to attack the single player inside, however nothing happens... If ((Elven Gate (Horizontal) 0001 <gen> is dead) Equal to True) then do -->(Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units...
  5. Z

    Destructible variables

    How do i do that? what should i put as what?
  6. Z

    Destructible variables

    sorry, should rephrase that. If (Elven Gate (Horizontal) 0001 <gen> Equal to --->Dead<---) then do (Unit Group - Order (Units in (Playable map area)) to Attack Marine 0001 <gen>) else do (Unit Group - Order (Units within 200.00 of (Center of Region 000 <gen>)) to Attack Elven Gate...
  7. Z

    Destructible variables

    i am trying to set a variable for a destroyed gate, what Should i do?
  8. Z

    Setting the Players

    In my map, I have gone into player properties, and changed red to a computer player, and blue to a user controlled player however when I test the map, I control red, and blue is computer controlled... any ideas?
  9. Z


    is here a way to remove a region through triggers? if so please tell me how.
  10. Z

    Region help

    how do i do this?
  11. Z

    Region help

    how do i do that? Remove is actually better
  12. Z

    Region help

    Is there a way to move a region with triggers? :l
  13. Z

    condition help

    is there a condition that only allows the action to be done if all of my events are complete? Zombie attack survivor 1 Events Destructible - Elven Gate (Horizontal) 0001 <gen> dies Unit - A unit enters spawn 2 room 1 <gen> (both of these should be complete before...
  14. Z

    Repairing a barrier

    I fixed the repair problem, the zombies will attack the barrier break through and attack the survivor. however after repairing the zombies will sit outside the barrier and not attempt to break through. how can i fix this?
  15. Z

    Concerning Bots and Dummy Casters

    this may not be the solution your looking for, but if you changed it to neutral passive, could you create a trigger that routes the money to the player that it should go to? i donno. just a suggestion...
  16. Z

    Zombie barrier

    i found my solution. whenever the unit is destroyed it is replaced by an object that cant be collided with. i then made it so that it upgrades into the barrier, wich luckily replaces itself with the orientation of the previous unit. however after i did all of this, and tested the map, my first...
  17. Z

    Zombie barrier

    sorry about the new thread, kinda new topic.
  18. Z

    Repairing a barrier

    the repair is instant, sorry for not mentioning this, and you step in a region to repair. sorry!
  19. Z

    Repairing a barrier

    im makin a zombie game, and i need a way to repair barriers while they are being attacked or have been destroyed please help