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    Trigger ain't working for some reason...

    I want to make a building that gives income, and that i can upgrade the building to get more income. Like that: level 1 "Grates" give 1 gold per second. level 2 "Tent" give 2 gold per second. so i made it like this: -Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (red) Finishes construction...

    I need help with tiggers.

    Hi, I'll tell what I want to, If a player kills enemy unit he gets 1 kill point. And when his kill points reach 50 rertain action will happen. Basicly for every 50 kills you will gain something. What i tried, I made a leaderboard but I could read the kills from there. Then I made Real...

    How to host in Frozen Throne?

    Probally most common question, but how to host? I used help from this page: And then I turned off firewall so I can perfectly host in RoC but not in Frozen Throne however the description said that it would work...

    I could use some help.

    Is it possible to change basic abilities' text? As basic abilities i mean those who are not in the list where you can edit abilities like: Build, Attack, Defense, Patrol, Move and so on... I tried Game Interface... and Gameplay Constants... but i couldn't find anything.