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  1. P

    Hepl me with spell....

    someone tell me how to fix an error in this code? function LOD takes nothing returns boolean return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A01D' endfunction //***************************************** private function checkgroup takes nothing returns boolean return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit()...
  2. P

    Need help with my Quest sys

    I just made ??a quest system, beginning in the code, it still works fine, but I highlighted the code, it does not work. Who can help me? Although when it does not save the error occurred. Quest Reward scope QuestProgress //********************************************** globals private...
  3. P

    I need Duel and Quest System

    As the title, one can give me two systems there?
  4. P

    [Help]CSSafety Library

    An error occurred when I copied the library system CSSafety, This is the [System] System Attribute v4, anyone know what this is in error, then help me with. Many thanks Link system: Error: Line 1673: Function redeclared...