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  1. V

    removing non-played units from the game

    Hi guys, I got a small problem. I placed a few units&heroes on the map for specific player colors. When those players are not playing, I want to have those units removed. Does anyone know the right trigger? I can't seem to get it right :x
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    Call & Store System (pokémon World)

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a good call & store stystem, also used in Pokémon world... Anyone know how it works?
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    Random creep spawn system

    Hi guys, I need a creep spawn system that can spawn RANDOM creeps every x seconds. Does anyone have one that I could use? or any tips for making one?
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    Let creeps walk randomly

    Hey guys, I'm in need of some help with making random creeps walk through a region. the creeps that I'm trying to get walking will be randomly spawned, so I can't pick a specific unit... What do I have to do??
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    Help with creating Items

    Hey guys, I'm in need of some help with creating usable items. I made some items with 3 charges and put them in the 'charged' category, and in-game you can click on them, but they won't decrease any charges. What do I have to do to really let them be used??