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    WIP WC3 - Dragonball Z Campaign

    i just wanted to ask for some of the models u r using...cuz i was considering makin a map that has DBZ chars incorparated in it... Im not entirely sure if i can request here...but if u could tell me...plz and ty.
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    custom models not appearing?

    i have this same problem, and its with models. They work in world editor but dont appear on tests or when u play it.
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    Minimap Image Problem

    Ok i did all of the things on the tutorials to make the minimap image, i made my pic into a .tga file and all of that. But everytime i try to test or or look at, i get a fatal error. Anyone know why?
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    ok ill try. ty
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    Naruto Models 4 U~

    ok i got it now i fixed it i had to move a file to another ty :)
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    Naruto Models 4 U~

    dude i did all of that but its not showin the unit. i changed the custom path and all of that. And even tried 3 of them to see , but i couldnt get naruto, nor shika, nor gaara to work.
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    Free Loading Screens

    i need a naruto loading screen, doesnt really matter whats on it, but if i had to choose, id say just put Naruto, Orochimaru, and Shikamaru maybe on it, with a nice background. Its for my lil naruto rpg im trying to make. plz and ty
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    I was wondering does anyone knew anythin about when ur hit with an ability how do i make so the target is knocked back?
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    Saving and Loading

    thank you
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    Naruto Models 4 U~

    i have winrar, thats wat i used to get the files. But as i said either im makin a small mistake or he needs a portrait file..
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    Naruto Models 4 U~

    dude ur models arent workin, i think ur missing the portait file, cuz on the world editor tutorial, it has that as one of the files u need
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    Naruto Models 4 U~

    when i got to the link it says that the file is not can some1 either send the stuff to me or tell me wat to do.....hopefully some1 sees this considerin the thread is old.... [email protected]
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    Saving and Loading

    Ive always wanted to make a map that allowed you to save and load your character(s), such as in those rpgs or orpgs. But i just cannot figure out how it is that i do it. Does anyone know how to make it like this?
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    I have 2 problems

    i no about world editor minimap help, this is what i used to make thepics on the editor. But nothing in it adresses my problem. I have done everything it says there many times. So im thinking that it just might be my pics arent fit for the minimap pic or something....i dont no...
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    I have 2 problems

    O. Thank you. But does anyone have an answer to my first problem about my minimap pics?
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    I have 2 problems

    I joined it. I already knew this one was mine cuz i could see the map, this was b4 i started trying to use minimap pics, so i didnt have the white screen problem. I couldnt test it cuz i kept trying to tell the host and the guy who was in the game dling, that i made it, but he diidnt believe me...
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    I have 2 problems

    I ave many that this has happen to. The map i trying to make now is called Puppet Maker though.
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    I have 2 problems

    Ok here are my problems. First off, my minimap images. I will get a image and use my photo editor to make it TGA format, but then when i make it the minimap image on the world editor, it wont show the image. When i go to the map, itll just be a white screen, where the pic should be, why is this...
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    kills needed to win

    Im making a really good map that requires u to get a certain number of kills to win. i have a leaderboard that tells the kills you have and everything. but i need to know how to make it, so that once u get a certain amount of kills against other heroes, u win....anyone no how?:banghead:
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    item recipes

    can some1 tell me how to make item recipes? thats really all i need to no for what im doin plz and ty:D