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  1. V

    Not sure why this doesn't work

    Eh. Feels like I'm asking too many questions which I should solve myself today, but I'm really confused about this one... Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Earth Slam Actions Set Temp_Point = (Position of (Triggering Unit)) Set...
  2. V

    Stomp spells?

    I'm currently working on a hero which works as following: He has 4 elemental stances, all with their own set of spells. Whenever he casts a spell in one stance, he switches to a different stance. I currently got this mechanic working for his Q (1st) ability (it's one based off storm bolt), but...
  3. V

    Question about spell cooldowns

    Alright, after some looking around I've discovered that spell cooldowns cannot be manipulated. Yet, when your remove a spell from a hero and add it again the cooldown gets completely reset. So my question is: how would you make a hero that (a bit like DotA's Invoker) has many spells, each with...
  4. V

    Detect if unit has been hit by a non-targeted spell

    Right now I have a dummy spell based on Carrion Swarm, and what I want to do is that units hit by this spell will take damage equal to x*(caster's missing mana percentage). I know how to calculate the damage and how to damage the units with it, but I'm stuck on how to detect whether a unit has...
  5. V

    Allowing only one team

    So here's a problem which I could not find any solution to. I have a hero survival map where I am having 12 players all on one team, as I do not want them to be able to attack each other (they should work together), and I made the enemy spawns to belong to Neutral Hostile. The map seems...
  6. V

    Is (Random Integer between x and y) not really random or am I doing it wrong?

    Hi, I'm Versae. I'm currently working a hero-survival type map (not very original, I know, although you'll see once it's finished :P) and I have a small question. This is the trigger I currently have for all random mode. This trigger has no events as it is being activated by another trigger...