Search results

  1. JediPope

    leaks in creating a simple inventory system

    I am trying to create a simple inventory system where six slots are devoted to to charged items (which may stack) and six slots to permanent items (for summons, which do not stack). The two bags are swiched using a dummy ability 'A000' or by trigger, on the unit type 'H000'. Its a single player...
  2. JediPope

    Trouble with inventory trigger

    I am having trouble creating this trigger that allows for an extended inventory system. For a reason I do not understand it will not remove the item when I press the inventory switch button (a Hero skill). This function requires the global variables udg_Item_Hash (hashtable), udg_Item_Real1...
  3. JediPope

    Possible Editor Bug?

    For some reason when I make a certain number of references in the triggers to a unique unit on the map the triggers no longer seem to see any unique units on the map anymore. Bug or something else?