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  1. N

    Starfall w/ Stun?

    yes, that will make the spell MUI, it will work for every units casting that spell
  2. N

    Starfall w/ Stun?

    it's not MUI, for that u need to make it all in JASS and change some GDD variables, i'll do it for ya when i get home
  3. N

    Starfall w/ Stun?

    To stun units for each star hit, you need to use Unit Friendly Damage Detection System posted here before, it requires some Jass knowledge to understand it, but you don't need to, just copy paste the trigger into your map and do everything else in GUI, here, i made an example, I think this is...
  4. N

    About color codes

    255 in hex is FF, so that would be |cffffffff|r
  5. N

    About color codes

    they ARE rgb codes in hexadecimal
  6. N

    About color codes

    take a look at this:
  7. N

    [WTB] Healing Spell ideas? Community be heard

    I once created a cool passive healing spell, you get a chance of canceling enemy attack or spell damage and transforming it into AoE heal for the amount of damage dealt to you. You can aditionally add a cooldown to the effect so it can only occur once every X seconds ;P
  8. N

    Starfall w/ Stun?

    1) create a dummy with a storm bolt dummy spell of Z stun duration (Z being the seconds of your desired stun) in your unit's position for each unit within X range of your unit (X being the range of your spell) and make it cast it on each unit. 2) create a dummy unit in your unit's position with...
  9. N

    vJass - I: Uncomplicating the Complicated

    no, they dont :/, just read about structs and yes, classes in Java are more like structs
  10. N

    vJASS Globals Question

    ah, sry about that. I'll post the code when i get home (at Univerity right now :/)
  11. N

    Constant Function and Variable

    wouldn't that throws an error cause of I2R not being a constant function?
  12. N

    vJASS Globals Question

    it overwrites :/, just tried it in NewGen
  13. N

    Constant Function and Variable

    and for code presentation, what do you recomend? (Spell Rawcodes and constants in functions or globals?)
  14. N

    vJASS Globals Question

    If i have a trigger with everything inside a scope, and there's a globals block wich variables are all private: If the trigger triggers twice at the same time, will those globals overwrite each other? Or will they work like locals for that scope?
  15. N

    vJass - I: Uncomplicating the Complicated

    Dude great tutorial! I have a few questions: - So, scopes are like classes in Java, right? - When you create a scope with an initializer, your are making that function to load in map initialization, but the other functions in the scope wont, right? - Can you have a scope with multiple...
  16. N

    Constant Function and Variable

    Whats the difference between constant functions and constant variables? In a code, what's better? : - having a bunch of constant globals with the parameters of my spell or - having a bunch of constant functions that returns the parameters of my spell
  17. N

    Quick Question.

    jerked away to attak move the point? if your unit is attacking an enemy, and receives an order of attack move, he will stay and keep fighting the enemy and only when it's dead he will go to the point (fighting other enemies in the way), thats what attack-move means
  18. N

    Variables between local Triggers

    thanks you very much Darthfett for your explanation, u ve no idea how much it helped me. I' m gonna try vJASS now instead of just JASS, that global stuff have bottered me for so long now...
  19. N

    Quick Question.

    You create 3 triggers: Gate Attack Events Time - Every X seconds of game time Conditions Actions Unit - Order <Your Unit> to Attack <Your Gate> X is the amount of time in wich you will remember your unit to attack the gate Attack Attacker Events...
  20. N

    How do i make this MUI?

    dont worry, i understood, thnx again, i owe u a rep, but it says i must spread mor rep before giving you more. sry for the bother