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  1. Levdragon

    how to make unit damage other units when they come close enough

    I agree with Danis just give the eyes a perma immolation ability, then just have the create part of the trigger. Use add/remove ability if you want to get rid of it. ~Lev~
  2. Levdragon

    cannot connect to US west anymore

    Damn everysine I dl'd the patch its been happening to me, sigh I've got no answers but if you do reinstal it tell me if it worked im gonna try and change my connection, doubt it'll work :/
  3. Levdragon


    Sigh this happens to me also on most maps when I DL and it gets to 99 i autodrop and if I dl of website and play the game i get a DC, if I try to host it only shows 3 teams with 1 player each D: Please tell me if reinstalling works.
  4. Levdragon

    Looking for Terrainer

    Is anyone interested in helping me with the terrain for my upcoming map ? It will be epic-sized and set in the world of azeroth around 1st war, if you interested PM me and I'll give you some details. It will be a strategy map, I need an outliner and a detailed terrainer if your one of those...
  5. Levdragon

    Star Wars - Rise of the Confederacy

    I posted some more info and well as the various nations however, I've only used 4 and could use some suggestions for other nations.
  6. Levdragon

    Star Wars - Rise of the Confederacy

    Star Wars Rise of the Confederacy By Levdragon Contents I.Background II.Nations III.Contents IV.Team (To Come Later) V.Screenshots (To Come Later) I.Background A secret meeting led to the establishment of the CIS or Confederacy of Indepdent Systems fighting for liberation from...
  7. Levdragon

    Timed Selection

    Thanks you have me an idea, after 10 secs of the dialog, clear it and then just do the historical event thats suppoest to happen. Thanks for that +rep.
  8. Levdragon

    Timed Selection

    Hey, How do you make it so that if a dialog button isn't clicked after 10 seconds it auto selects? E.G-Spawn a footman Yes or No if the player does not click on yes or no it auto clicks yes. +REP for successful help.
  9. Levdragon

    Killing all Units

    Works, Thankyou, +REP. :)
  10. Levdragon

    Killing all Units

    Hey, How do you make it so every wisp on the map dies? +Rep for first successful helper.
  11. Levdragon

    Other WCII - Tides of Darkness

    Thanks for the info and rep.
  12. Levdragon

    Other WCII - Tides of Darkness

    Well a public beta should be released in about a month or two however, the real version will be released in perhaps 3-5 months. I shall post somes screenies soon.
  13. Levdragon

    Other WCII - Tides of Darkness

    [Redone] Warcraft Bump. New info added
  14. Levdragon

    RPG Terra's Decimation

    So do you want me to start a new map and make the terrian there? Or do you already have a map with the triggers/layouts?
  15. Levdragon

    Warcraft Adventures

    Sure, I'd love to help you with the terrain I can also help you with the very basic triggers I can help with ideas I can help with getting models/skins/music etc. Post a reply if you accept
  16. Levdragon

    RPG Terra's Decimation

    ok thats fine, just send me the map and ill make the terrain on it. Am i allowed to DL new models/skins to make terrain look better or not?
  17. Levdragon

    Model File request

    I found two fogs which resemble rain cloud, just use fly on them and put rain underneath them through the use of triggers i suppose. Hope it helped
  18. Levdragon

    RPG Terra's Decimation

    Renedaru, I can help you out with the terrain if you wish, send me a copy of your map and I'll get to it. Have you already made the towns/major locations on the map? Or would you like me to do that. On another note I can help you out with the storyline if you want, give you names of...
  19. Levdragon

    Map Choice?

  20. Levdragon

    Other WCII - Tides of Darkness

    There will be plenty of lesser heroes and leader heroes. Yes Kurdan will be added and when a higher level will be able to mount the gryphon. Alleria and Turalyn are still alive in WCII and only went MIA after the second war during the beyond the dark portal events.