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  1. N

    Ability Help

    there is a wait for condition function in GUI, one of the first few actions. what it does is check if the unit has the buff, if not wait for 0.x seconds, check again. when the check is positive, then it will continue with your other actions, in this case damage the target. makes the spell more...
  2. N

    Spell Request -> Kunkka's Cleave

    yes, cleave has an effect. just change it to the water elemental1... oh idint see how long ago this thread was posted =P
  3. N

    Spell Request -> Kunkka's Cleave

    why cant we just use cleave? why add so much code to your trigger.
  4. N


    you can use metarmorphosis. i assume u are making smthing like lycanthrope in dota? you have to create another unit,the wolf. OR if your hero takes awhile before it morphs or morphs back, try setting normal - duration to 0. hero - duration will be how long the spell lasts.
  5. N

    Ability Help

    this will also damage the unit even before the bolt hits the target. i recoment you add in a wait for condition action. In this case, create a custom buff for your ability and in the wait for condition, wait for unit has (yourcustombuff) = true then deal the damage.
  6. N

    Creating fake error messages?

    there is 1 made by vexorian. exact replica of creating an error message, but it requires you to use jass or a customscript. Create a trigger call SimError and convert it to csutom text. Paste the stuff below in. If you use jass u can use it by yourself. If you use GUI, u need to create a custom...
  7. N

    Spell Request -> Kunkka's Cleave

    you cannot use pick every unit in an aoe. That just isnt how cleave works. you have to add an item cleave ability and a damage bonus item ability via a spellbook when the time =0 or whatever.
  8. N

    Spell Request -> Kunkka's Cleave

    Here it is..u just gotta make the abilities yourself. And be nice. Dont give me this should be graveyarded thing again. basically when a the hero learns this ability, a trigger with timer event is created. After the time elapsed is reached, it created a trigger to register unit attack and...
  9. N

    Admiral Proudmoore

    thanks twanttoo and laiev.
  10. N

    Admiral Proudmoore

    any1 knows where i can find admiral proudmoore's icon? like in dota.
  11. N

    How do i code this?

    sorry i found a solution, i created a struct which contains the target unit every time a suitable filter unit is found and attach it to an individual trigger. Mods can delete this thread.
  12. N

    How do i code this?

    Ok i have coded an ability that creates an illusion at every enemy hero and the illusion will keep attacking that specific enemy hero. i have a function that groups all these enemy heroes and sets them to a variable -- Hero[A] where a is an integer variable. once this is done, a dummy is...
  13. N

    Item Illusions

    edit: found it by using getorderid function. sorry. wow so fast so many replies ><!
  14. N

    Item Illusions

    The Ability item illusion has no order string, so how do i force a dummy unit with this ability as a unit ablility to use it?
  15. N

    Passive cooldown

    thanks alot vypur ^_^
  16. N

    Passive cooldown

    any passive skill? just that if the skill is activated, it has a cooldown. e.g. er bash only allowing bash to activate again 1 second after a bash is succesfully carried out.
  17. N

    Passive cooldown

    how do you create a passive skill with a cooldown? The one in the tutorials sections isnt helpful..
  18. N

    Tutorial How to create a cooldown for a passive spell

    what if u learn a mend (icon) while the skill is on cooldown?
  19. N

    Unit Share Vision

    ok thanks.
  20. N

    Unit Share Vision

    ic. thanks. does any ability that adds a buff do the same thing?