Search results

  1. M

    annyone know which aos it is?

    well its been a long time since i played it, and after reinstallation of my laptop i lost the map. its an aos type of map, between illidan(naga) and Maiev(night elf).. its 2 laned. sort of circle like.. they use mana as shields, and every hero has a shield it was quiet popular for some...
  2. M

    hashtable and buffs

    maybe I overlooked something in the world editor. but is there any way to save buffs in a hash table?
  3. M

    converting TFT spells to eoc maps

    hi again, i've come across this tutrial a few days aggo: link now it works with all the spell that are ni both version. like critical strike.. but not with tft spell's and i am trying to get bink moved from a tft map to a roc map. annyone anny idea how I would do that, as teh...
  4. M

    Assasins creed 2 Symbol translation.

    hi there all. now a friend of mine started to play assassins creed 2. one of the secondary objectives in the game is to find all the "piece's of truth". to get those piece's you need to solve riddles or finding stuff in picture's. in one of the "find this in the picture's" I noticed...
  5. M

    what did I do wrong converting my triggers to mui

    my old jump spell works good.. the jump start at and finishes at the correct point.. the arc the unit moves is also good.. the only problem with this version is that its not usable by more then 1 unit at a time... so I tried to convert it to MUI using a hahstable. the only problem now is that...
  6. M

    why doesn't this work correctly

    i am trying to reduce the height of the ground in a region using the create carter deformation using this trigger: Events terrain Events Time - Elapsed game time is 5.00 seconds Conditions Actions Set Xtimes = 0.00 Set Ytimes = 0.00...
  7. M

    raise terrain in-game

    now i was wondering is there any way to use the "raise" and "lower" or the "increase one" and "decrease one" using custom code or some simple jass lines? i checked the trigers and the only triggers i found where deformation's and change "terrain type"... i red somewhere that deformations...
  8. M

    force orb effect..

    is there any way to force and orb effect ? for example force orb of lightning to purge. or if you have a custom spell using orb of lightning with war-stomp. force it to stomp.
  9. M

    legal or not?

    does extracting a map from the wc3 MPQ files.. edit it the way you want it.. then play it on bnet.. and ofcours givving bnet credits for the map.. can this give legality issue's vreak the tos?? (coudnt find annything in it..)
  10. M

    are these files important??

    does newgen still works good without pipe.dll and w3jdebug.exe? how important are these files? what do they do? becous avg keeps removing them becous of the "infections" he sayes it containes.
  11. M

    max size wc3 file path

    what is the maximum size that a wc3 map can have as file path? i have created a map called favorites in the map downloads, and no maps show if the map name is longer then 7 chars..
  12. M

    tft Cliff texture filepath's

    something i want to share with you.. dont know if it is already know.. while i was searching the forums to replace a specific cliff type i did not find my answer.. the cliff i wanted to replace was a tft cliff and not a roc one.. while roc cliff tectures can be found in the wa3.mpq under...
  13. M

    red lifedrain lightning

    i am looking for a red drain life lighning effect.. which i can use in the trigger editor.. i searched wc3c and the hive.. but i coudnt find one there.. (the effect skins on the hive was empty somehow) is there annyone who has one that does not overwrite the standard drain? so i can...
  14. M

    straight cliffs

    straight cliffs || Solved well i am trying to create straight cliffs like in the diablo 3 warcraft 3 map ( but its not working.. instead of : ___ ......| ......| ......|_____ which i try to create like in de diablo 3 wc3...
  15. M

    403 forbidden

    I don't know if i post this right.. but: recently I am getting 403 403 forbidden message everything I go to anyone having the same problem?? anyone know why it happens to me?? Edit: this also happens when i link to the site from a different computer or internet conncetion..
  16. M

    nightelf, naga and bloodelf hero's and ideas

    hi all... I am recreating the campaign map where you need to capture illidans cage... its half done now.. I took the terrain from the campaign and recreated the original spawn system and I think its balanced.. now i do have a problem.. I need to put hero's in my map.. and I cant...
  17. M

    Unit movement speed reduction..

    As war as I know increasing a units movement speed by 100% will double its movement speed.. but why doesn't a 100% movement speed reduction makes a unit unable to move?? is this because of the minimum movement speed?? reason for this question: i played hero's and army's with the blood...
  18. M

    passive wit a cooldown

    i am trying to make the following spell. 10% critcal strike, but can only happen once every 10 sec.. so it would be a 10% cirt with a 10 sec cooldown... i found: using the search.. but i do not understand the...
  19. M

    custom unit value problem...

    there are 3 spells i want to use... all these 3 spells are based on hero stats.. spell 1 is a passive and will reduca armor by agi/10.. but it stack 5 times. this one scales when you increase yout agi.. spel 2 is also a passive.. it deasls damage equal to str and stack 5 times also...
  20. M

    disable tft options in world edit

    i've tryed the search that didnt help me.. so now i post my question.. how do i disable the tft settings if i want to make a map thats also wc3 roc proof? so i cant exadently chance somthing thats only chageable in tft witch makes my map only tft compatible..