Search results

  1. BlueMirage

    'Hero has skill point' light

    You know that blue tint that surrounds your hero icon in the top left when it has a skill point available? I'm looking for the model file of that light. I would like to use it as a highlighter in the game. I suspect that the file destination can be found somewhere in the Game Interface...
  2. BlueMirage

    Destructable problem

    Status: Solved I'm making a menu using trackables. I'm trying to use icons as selection tools. In order to save a lot of time and memory, I have a model that, when used as a destructable, can use the Replaceable texture of the image of any icon in the game. In short, I can place any icon on...
  3. BlueMirage

    Spell manacost

    I'm sure this has been asked tons of times, but I'ma take a different approach. A lot of people say that the manacost of a skill is something that you can't retrieve when it's been cast. I was wondering if one of these two theories might work? 1: Use "A unit starts the effect of an...
  4. BlueMirage

    Giving an order crashes the game

    The spell does the following: You'll need to use a subskill called Set Destination. When using Travel, your hero will move towards the destination you previously set with extra movespeed and no collision. Travel is based on Berserk, and provides the extra movespeed and a fluent way of casting...
  5. BlueMirage

    Unit Animation for Targeted AoE spell

    All the spells that I've used for targeted AoE spells interrupt the casting unit's animation once they've gotten to their Cast Point, ignoring the Cast Backswing. I think this might be because I'm using spells that are normally channeled instead of normal cast, but I haven't been able to find...
  6. BlueMirage


    Does this event activate upon "call ReviveHero(blahblah)"? If it doesn't, is there a way to detect hero ressurection, other than a looping timer that checks if it is alive?
  7. BlueMirage


    I have a very wierd problem here. When I use GetHandleId on my newly created local trigger, it gives me a number. However, when I try to get that same number when using GetHandleId on GetTriggeringTrigger(), I always get 0. Anybody knows why this happens? function NullAreaSlide takes...
  8. BlueMirage

    Checking to see which unit is selected

    I have a command that allows players to see some statistics of any unit. The stats that show up are correct, and removed from the function I'm showing a bit down below for easier reading. However, it sometimes displays the statistics of a unit that isn't selected, or it says that I have more...
  9. BlueMirage

    Buff System

    Currently, I'm making a buff system. I didn't find anything similar to it in the Systems and Triggers section of TH, so I thought that some people would be able to find some use of it if I posted it. However, I am not sure if it works yet as I have not tried it at all yet, so I thought that it...
  10. BlueMirage

    Spell crashes the game

    The following spell crashes the game 1 second after it has been activated. Spell description: As long as the skill is toggled on, the hero gains a 15/25/35% MS boost (Done through adding an aura skill), regenerates 10% of its max mana each second, and loses 10% of its current health per...
  11. BlueMirage

    Won't compile

    The following function won't compile and I don't know why. function n takes nothing returns nothing local unit u local real x local real y local hashtable udg_Hashtable local integer i if RAbsBJ(x) > RAbsBJ(LoadReal(udg_Hashtable, i, StringHash("Slide0"))) and RAbsBJ(y)...
  12. BlueMirage

    SetUnitZ problem

    I'm trying to make a trigger that will allow a player to capture a base. It's supposed to make only one building visible at a time by making the other two invisible by raising their Z values locally. Problem is, nothing happens. Sometimes the base isn't captured either. Here's the full...
  13. BlueMirage


    I need to be able to create a special effect that has the same model as a variable unit. Is it possible to get the string for that unit somehow, other than constructing a table with manually entered strings for each unit?
  14. BlueMirage

    GetLocalPlayer in order to hide unit

    GetLocalPlayer in order to "hide" unit In my map, I have 12 specific shops of the same type. I need them to be able to sell 3 different items depending on the state of the unit that is buying from it. However, since different units should only be able to buy different stuff, I think I can't use...
  15. BlueMirage

    Wierd Variable problem

    PersonsPerTeam is an integer constant which is decided earlier on in the game. It is either 3, 4 or 6. Circles is a Unit Group that contains 12 stationary buildings. Each unit has a unique custom value, varying between 1 and 12. TeamPlayers is a Player Group Array which includes all the...
  16. BlueMirage

    Unit enumeration within an arbitrary shape

    Well, as understood from the title (psyche), if I have several points which form a shape, how can I pick all units inside it? I'ma go draw a picture in paint. brb Alright, I think I have a solution. Kind of. Assume that your unit is centered on Origo. 1 is the first point of your...
  17. BlueMirage

    Cone Filter?

    I've been trying to make my own function that will filter out units in a group that is not within a cone. I probably messed up with the unit groups. I know for sure that it does not even do any actions for the units in the group, because if it would, I would get a BJDebugMsg from my Angle...
  18. BlueMirage

    Faulty Angle Function

    I'm using a simple function to determine the angle between two points. You should be able to recognize it. function Angle takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real local real r = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) call BJDebugMsg(R2S(r)) return r endfunction...
  19. BlueMirage

    Group Filter Function?

    I'm trying to make a function that will make it easier to sort out units of a group that I don't want, so I'm making a function that will do so. It looks something like this at the moment: function FilterGroup takes group g, boolexpr b returns group local group g2 = CreateGroup()...
  20. BlueMirage

    Newgen for latest patch?

    If I download Newgen from the stickied thread, I get a fully functioning world editor. However, I noticed that this Newgen is not the latest patch of Warcraft, and thus I'm wondering if there is Newgen for 1.24 instead of 1.21b. If there is, where can I download it / how can I install it?