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  1. SnoopyLoL

    Mass Units w/o Lag?

    Ok, I'm trying to create a zombie siege map. There is a huge a mount of units (for the zombies). Whenever I spawn the zombies its fine but If I try to move them, it generates a huge amount of lag. Is there a way to fix this? Could somebody post a trigger that I could try. I wont bother to post...
  2. SnoopyLoL

    Backwards Animation

    Hello, I am attempting to make an ice skating mini-game in Warcraft and right now, they just stand there and float forwards which doesn't look to realistic so I wanna make a backwards walk animation to look like ice skating. P.S. The ice skaters are peasants.
  3. SnoopyLoL

    NON-WE QUESTION! What is wrong with my connection?

    Hello, I have a problem with my connection with I can not connect to the realms USWest or USEast in neither Starcraft or Warcraft! and I'm afraid that if I connect to other realms the same will happen...
  4. SnoopyLoL

    TD Question

    Ok, instead of creating an introduction to my thread and all that, I will just ask you the question;) My question is, how do other TD's make it so that if you wall, then the creeps attack?
  5. SnoopyLoL

    Toss Help

    :confused:I am creating a toss skill, and I have a question: How do you make it so it chooses the nearest unit within a certain range? Update: WHY ISN'T ANYONE REPLYING!? Do they not know the answer? ANSWER ME!!!!
  6. SnoopyLoL

    Question (A little bit of complex GUI)

    I have a question, I have made a spin toss skill (see here;)) and I have a small question, Can you have a minimum range for a channel ability?:confused: Update: *sighs* "A little bit of complex GUI" is a little putting off isn't...
  7. SnoopyLoL

    Spin Toss Help

    Hello, I am trying to make a skill where a unit casts a skill named "Spin Toss" on to another unit and what it does is it spins the target unit around the caster and the caster keeps facing it and then when it reaches the caster it bumps the target back to the starting point. The part I...