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  1. yunusowic

    Aura buff durations

    hi, i need help on a spell i'm making. It's basically a blink which leaves a trail between the casters point and target point for x seconds. Any allied unit who walk through the trail will have increased AS and MS. I create dummy units which have Slow Aura (Tornado) (75 AoE) but there is a...
  2. yunusowic

    Charge Skill problem

    I made this charge skill and it works fine. But when i cast, the hero goes to this certain point in the map. It will not charge to the target but it charges to this point. And stops when it reaches that point. Here is the trigger. Enrage Cast Events Unit - A unit Starts the...
  3. yunusowic

    Playing walk animation while sliding a unit

    Ok. I've looked to thousands of topics but couldnt find anything really useful. My problem : I want to play a units walk animation while its sliding. Unit - Move Unit[(Integer A)] instantly to (Point[(Integer A)] offset by 15.00 towards Angle[(Integer A)] degrees) I'm using this action...
  4. yunusowic

    Posting problem

    Sometimes I cant Quick reply to a topic, Post Reply also doesnt work, and I can't send a PM to the starter of that topic. I write the message and press send, it waits for a while but doesnt send it. Sorry I didnt search if this problem was already posted before..
  5. yunusowic

    How to learn spell book ID

    how to detect a unit open a spellbook How can I detect a unit open a spellbook?
  6. yunusowic

    Animation Problem

    I made a Sliding spell and the sliding units "walk" animation is played while sliding. call SetUnitAnimationByIndex( udg_Ates[GetForLoopIndexA()], 0) When the sliding unit comes in a certain range with the targeted unit i want it to play another animation. But whatever i do it keeps...
  7. yunusowic

    Making these 2 abilities MUI

    I made this 2 abilities for my map. They work fine but if 2 players cast them at the same time there are some problems. They can't be done without variables i guess and i tried to use arrays but didn't work. The first skill is 'Push'. A knockback skill. The second skill is Toss. (Tiny...