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  1. M

    Model Sound Problem

    It doesn't recognize the model. (Could not load file: blablabla.mdl) I think I found a work-around. I replaced the sound with a blank file in the sound editor.
  2. M

    Model Sound Problem

    Original post: I imported this model that has very annoying attack sounds. I tried changing the Weapon Sound field in the object editor but now it has two sounds - first the one I added and the other annoying one. Is there any way to remove these sounds...
  3. M

    Need a spell idea...

    ...for a spy. I don't want to give him simple evasion (boring) but I'd like it do be something similiar. Thank you in advance.
  4. M

    LBA2 (AKA Twinsen's Odyssey)

    LBA 2 = one of the best games I've ever played. Too bad they don't make games like this anymore. Brings back all my childhood memories.
  5. M

    Made Ai for my map and i will give created

    Maybe he means that he will give the AI he created for his map to anyone who is interested?
  6. M

    Model sounds

    Thanks +rep
  7. M

    Model sounds

    Yeah it's the exploding sound. Thanks in advance.
  8. M

    Model sounds

    That would be lovely. :) Take all the time you need. The sound I need to get rid off is just after a unit with that model attacks. It sounds like a goblin land mine explosion.
  9. M

    Model sounds Anyways I'd be very glad if you would point me in the right direction.
  10. M

    Model sounds

    I imported this model that has very annoying attack sounds. I tried changing the Weapon Sound field in the object editor but now it has two sounds - first the one I added and the other annoying one. Is there any way to remove these sounds?
  11. M

    Hero glow that doesn't change its size?

    That glow dissapeared whenever my hero attacked someone. Also it was huge on my imported models. Maybe it depends of the unit I based the custom unit off?
  12. M

    Hero glow that doesn't change its size?

    I got this problem that normal-sized (1.00) imported models have this huge hero glow under them when I attach it. This doesn't happen with all models tho.... So I need this hero glow that doesn't change its size according to model and would fit a peasant. I have tried 3 hero glows so far.
  13. M

    dark portal model?

    One more try: maybe its Dimensional gate under Units? :D
  14. M

    Experience rate

    In that case ... Thank you very much. +rep
  15. M

    dark portal model?

    If I'm not mistaken it's called Portal and is found under Doodads. EDIT: Shimmering Portal actually.
  16. M

    Experience rate

    Where you pointing out the typo? English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if it burnt your eyes.
  17. M

    Experience rate

    If I set the rate so that the Heroes get 200% normal exp and I want it to change back to normal should I set it to 100% because it was the deafult or should I set it to 50%.
  18. M

    Life drain/transfer

    How can I make life transfer carry on even after the target allied unit has full hp. I'm talking about the dark ranger's ability life drain.
  19. M

    Special effects

    Yea, most knockback I've seen look like you are dragging dirt with you... Didn't know if it was imported. I tried using the ancients' missle but it doesn't look good.
  20. M

    Special effects

    What special effects are used to make the classic knockback effect? I'm not asking how to do a knockback, I just want to know what special effects are usually used.