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  1. Z

    A few problems.

    Well as the title sais I have a few problems. First one is I can't seem to test my map in a campaign. Is there anything that allows the max size of map in the campaign. Second one is that a destructible with a model of barracks seems to show red color (as if a player red is playing it)...
  2. Z

    A few questions

    Well I made barracks a destructible and it shows me a red custom color as if a player red is playing it.Now can I change the color of the destructible? If I can, how? And another question can a custom backdrop be made in model editor or something like that? EDIT: The problem with barracks...
  3. Z

    Cinematic Undeniable Power

    This is my first project.It might not be perfect (or good) but I am still working on the terrain and I am still placing more doodads and another map to continue this story. Well my map is here, hope you like it and please leave comments and feedback. You can find my campaign here: Well...
  4. Z

    Something wrong

    I've made this trigger: Group Order Events Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Trigger - Turn off (This trigger) Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 2 (Blue)) and do (Actions) Loop - Actions...