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  1. L

    doodad shadows, they are everywhere!

    Hey i just deleted a load of doodads and their shadows remain. How do I get rid of them?
  2. L

    Desperate problems with an increased speed custom skill

    OK I am so frustrated with this... ----- Hero skill: Seriously? Idea: When the hero's HP falls below 50% he is granted increased attack and movement speed. Details: Level 6 spell, 3 levels of it. Increases by 20/25/30%. Comments: When the HP goes back above 50% speeds should...
  3. L

    Life leech spell triggers playing up!

    dont really want another ability being added to the hero because it'll appear in his spells wont it? and will that work? the triggers i had already worked. its just there is some problem detecting when autocast is on or not. Looks like the only solution is in JASS so ill probably just change...
  4. L

    Life leech spell triggers playing up!

    But it consumes mana and can be left on autocast. So how can I make it work like that? EDIT: Hey mate, the spell works fine for me just not when its on Autocast. Is there anything different about autocast spells? I dont know how to get them to trigger an event.
  5. L

    Move all units instantly trigger

    Hey mate. Perhaps something like this might work for ya: Help Events Time - Timer1 expires Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area)) and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area))) Obviously...
  6. L

    Life leech spell triggers playing up!

    Hey guys, I have a spell which is called Tell Joke... it is an autocast spell that gives the Unit +4% health if he uses it on the enemy when attacking. I based it on Poison arrow and made suitable adjustments so it works as a melee spell. So the spell is MEANT to function like this...
  7. L

    Visibility modifier not working, trigger problem

    ok - have got this far RedUnitManaLow Events Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Owner of (Matching unit)) Not equal to (Owner of Maphacker)) and (((Percentage mana...
  8. L

    Visibility modifier not working, trigger problem

    OK so my aim with this trigger was to display a Hero owned by Player2 if his mana falls below 15%. The only person he would be revealed to would be the "Maphacker". I put in the game message to check if everything worked up till that point, and it does. While the target hero's mana is below...
  9. L

    How do I make a spell system like in Defiance ORPG?

    hey mate, you will probably find this useful
  10. L

    Visibility modifier not working, trigger problem

    ah ok.. well can anyone else help? :)
  11. L

    Visibility modifier not working, trigger problem

    reply Yeh flow, i was going along those lines but i need more in depth trigger details to follow. im a bit noob :( edit - Oh and that also buggered up because Summons became visible when they fell below 15%.. and i didnt want them involved. Heroes only. But there is no room for a "heroes only"...
  12. L

    Visibility modifier not working, trigger problem

    Triggers for skill to display heros with low mana (problem) Hey guys, Today I need a set of triggers to display to (owner of "maphacker"[variable already set]) every HERO that falls blow 15% mana. (This is intended to be much like that of Strygwr or whatever his name is from dota.) Once...
  13. L

    Visibility modifier not working, trigger problem

    Message to only one player I think I am having an idiot moment but... I want to send a "Game - Text Message (auto-timed)" to the player who owns a specific unit, and that player only. But I cant find for the life of me the right words to do it. I can't use Player1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 because...
  14. L

    Spell problem - Lost bounty due to trigger making the kill

    Hey guys, Today's problem is a spell that works like this (we shall call it SpellX): - Cause 300 damage to a unit which has a specific buff. The hero casts a spell that gives the unit the buff, and then follows it up with the SpellX. The spell works from any spot on the map...
  15. L

    Problem with spells and triggers

    Hey guys, I have a spell which uses a spell Dummy to cast a buff on a group of units. I want: - The units with the buff to lose 10 mana a second for 10 seconds. I try to use a trigger to do this, but how would I go about it? Every time I try it messes up. I want something like "When a...
  16. L

    Spell problem, buff from fan of knives.

    thanks hey mates thats fantastic but i cant find the -order last created unit to cast human mountain king:thunder clap or any order to cast.. where is it hmm
  17. L

    Spell problem, buff from fan of knives.

    Hey guys, I was trying to make a spell called "Cry of the Broken Hearted". This spell was based around Fan of Knives. The spell makes the hero shout (like howl of terror) and meat wagon projectiles hit any enemies within range of the "cry". So far so good, exactly what i wanted...
  18. L

    Hmm a tricky trigger! help please :)

    l OK Ive done some testing. The problem is definately "The ability being cast equal to Harvest Gold and Lumber" I tried changing it to... "The ability being cast equal to Return Gold" ... as well, but that didnt work. Theres something wrong with the fact they aren't active...
  19. L

    Hmm a tricky trigger! help please :)

    hmm? But the trigger doesnt work when I test it... I just go in the game and leave the man harvesting. He gets no experiance.
  20. L

    Hmm a tricky trigger! help please :)

    OK... For my game I need some way of giving experiance for mining gold. So, I thought i might use this... Event: Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions: ALL MUST BE TRUE Unit type of casting unit equal to (X) Ability being cast equal to Harvest...