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  1. O

    Request your GUI spells here!

    im trying to do a mui spell that channels a tornadoat a point that slows all units in its area and damages them based on the caster's intelligence. also, while the caster is channeling the tornado, it looses mana= 1% of its Int. and once the caster stops channeling, the tornado dies. i hope i...
  2. O

    Channel spell problem

    i have like 8 different setups, none of them work
  3. O

    Channel spell problem

    ok, here it is. ive got this spell based on channel with 3 levels that you cast on the ground, it creates a unit at that point. while you channel, your mana drains slowly (a % based on the spell's level). when you stop channeling, the unit gets removed. ive gotten it to work, but what i...
  4. O

    difficult problem

    i am making a single player rpg where you learn/level spells by buying items. i already have that system worked out, but i want a way to store these spells in an 'invintory' of sorts that is completely detached from the hero. the hero's UI slots are like a 'quick list' of sorts like if my...
  5. O

    Charged Spell problem

    im trying to make a spell that has regeneratable 'Charges'; like items or the Huntress' Sentinel spell that recharges. like a knife-throw spell that has 3 charges, that can recharge after some time