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  1. J

    Replacing sounds in a model help

    I'm trying to make it so I have different terran marines that make different gun sounds depending on what gun you picked because it sounds stupid if he is shooting a 1 shot rifle and it sounds like a machine gun. Ive tried replacing them in the sound editor but I can't find it, is there any way...
  2. J

    units not showing up in editor?

    So my editors started acting a little funky. On startup theres 5 or so messages saying "referencing unknown database field" and theyre all in the Units/UnitsUI section. The Naga units are completely gone and some other ones. Its doing this for the regular WE, WE Unlimited, and another one I...
  3. J

    store gold amount in a variable?

    anti-greedisgood Events Player - Player 1 (Red)'s Current gold becomes Greater than (CANT USE A VARIABLE) Conditions Actions why cant I use a variable there?
  4. J

    wont "Wait" past 60 seconds?

    So im trying to make my wild hogs respawn every 3 minutes and for some reason they'll only respawn if its 60 seconds or less. I tried compounding the wait so it would wait 60 then wait another 60 and that doesnt work either. So i was wondering is there like a max wait limit or is there probably...
  5. J

    Item bank w/ Neostorms save system?

    I was wondering if anyone with some extensive knowledge on how arrays, bits, triggers and stuff like that could tell me how I would use neostorms saving system to save an area on the map(item bank) that the player will go drop collectible items and such. I've tried for a while now to understand...