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  1. maydayp

    custom heroes

    ok, I know that there is probably something on this some where, but I wouldn't know where to start. I'm making my first map, and I'm making my own heroes. what I don't know is what to change to make them all equal, within there type (I don't even know exactly how to tell (though I'm sure at one...
  2. maydayp

    Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    well I do use a melee hero (intelligence), so the vamp aura does work, and the quick snipe help kill creeps, really quickly (besides the fact that it also kills the other team's summons). it also really go if I'm low on health and surrounded by creeps to run and kill them with it (since it...
  3. maydayp

    Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    so i use (in the order i get them): vamp. aura wrath of the wild quick snipe thorns aura acid bomb (ultimate, the first one in the second ultimate building) for the items i get mana pots plate of the whale dragon lance the helm* the dagar* the cloak** (*mentioned in above snap...
  4. maydayp

    Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    well I have no problem shoping, fighting and summoning creeps. I hot key both my hero (different from F1) and my donkey, nor does it take too much time for me to buy things. I would suggest you buy them befor the last tower, as you go. once you know where everything is and what items you use it...
  5. maydayp

    Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    ummm. in the newer maps is the poison shot glitch fixed? 'cause that glitch is a pain in the butt.