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  1. W

    Skill that penalties armour?

    is there a wc3 skill that penalties armor (passive)?
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    Math Question

    so im doing a dashing skill, and it dashes in the angle of what the caster is facing.. so are these the right way to get the Cos and Sin values? set cast[hid]=GetTriggerUnit() set cos[hid]=Cos(GetUnitFacing(cast[hid])) set sin[hid]=Sin(GetUnitFacing(cast[hid]))
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    Single Targeted Silence?

    Does anyone know which skills silences a unit ( single targeted )
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    Units Range is not what it is?

    so i set the range over 1000 and it's as if it never changes, the unit's range should be somewhere around 800 but it's more like 300 in game for some reason heres the test map
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    Are these items possible?

    Item 1: Increases Movespeed, attackspeed, mana and hp regeneration for awhile, then reduces all of them bellow normal. Type-Charged(like clarity potion) Item 2: 5% damage reduction for 10 seconds. Type-Charged(like clarity Potion) Item 3: Type=Permanent 15% magic...
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    Event-Unit takes damage but only by an attack

    is there a way to tell if the unit was damaged by a normal attack and not a spell of some sort? cuz that would suck if you can't :/
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    Method Operators?

    static method operator [] takes string s returns integer return I2S(s)*5 endmethod ^ i have no idea if thats right, lol im just randoml putting something in what a method operators? i've read the jass helper manual tihngy but it still didn't clear things up, what can operators do? and...
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    Vex's Optimizer makes the game unhostable?

    So i optimized my map with vex's optimizer ( all options checked off ) and when i try to host it, it says Game not Found.. Is there something im doing wrong?
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    Westfall Server Down?

    Is it me or is the westfall server down? and if it is does anybody know when its going to go back up?
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    Skill - Have an %chance to deal an extra X damage?

    is there a skill that has a chance to deal extra damage upon attack?
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    Change a Unit's range?

    is there a way to change a units attacking range? from like 100 to 600?
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    Unable To go over cliffs and trees and such.

    ok so my problem is .. i made this spell that basically makes the unit trapped inside this hurricane. Problem is .. When the hurricane will also drag the units over the mountain.. i know what the problem is but i dont know an alternative way. heres the spell FinishingTouchCasting...
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    Ability Stops When Unit Stops Channeling?

    Okay ive been puzzled on why the hell did blizzard not put Event - A unit stops channeling an ability... i know theres a unit stops casting and ability.. and so on.. my question here is? How do we check when a unit stops channeling an ability? is it possible? most spells i would love to...
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    Dashing out of the map?

    2 skills involed.. the mirana like arrow skill and the 2nd skill that dashes to the arrow. It wont dash unless theres an .. problem is even when the arrow is gone and he passes the arrow's last position he keeps dashing.. and dashes out of the map heres skill 1. the arrow 2nd skill the...
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    vJASS Questions and such

    1.where can i find a real good vJass tutorial? 2.What are structs? 3.What are methods and static methods? 4. what is a line like this? set g.u = GetTriggerUnit() i thought u just do set g = GetTriggerUnit() how come you use variables inside structs... inside other functions 5. i know...
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    Dashing Weirdly?

    Okay one thing ive noticed is everytime i use jass the dashes i make dont look as smooth as the gui ones i make ... which i have no idea why. i set the max distance to 300. and he moves like 4000 distance... function Trig_Pk_Thunder_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean return...
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    No stunning and No Freezing

    function Trig_FrostPath_JASS_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A003' endfunction function frostpathboolean takes nothing returns boolean return IsUnitEnemy(GetEnumUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit())) and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit()...
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    Boolean Line

    return ( IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()) ) and ( IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false ) whats wrong with that? :S idk it gave me a syntax error
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    Abbadons Ultimate

    Mkay so i wanna know how Abbadon's Ult is made.. Like when he is attacked no dmg is dealt to him WHATSOEVER and is healed that ammount of damage dealt.. so how is this done?
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    Multiboard Dead?

    okay so far thanks to Faraway i did my 3 way multiboard .. the only problem is i dont know how to do Dead? When a unit dies it will show the number of seconds he has to wait to revive.. but if he buys back i want it to not show again +REP