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  1. DK's Pride

    Global Variables

    globals unit CasterHS = GetTriggerUnit() //I get this so i can refer to this unit in my other trigger location LocHS = GetUnitLoc(CasterHS) //I get this so i can use this location in my periodic trigger. real angleHS = GetUnitFacing(CasterHS) //I get this so i know the...
  2. DK's Pride

    ! Global Variable

    How can i tell wc3 that its a global variable, and cant be found in this trigger, but in another one? :confused: Cause it cant find them, if i just write the name of the global variable.:(
  3. DK's Pride

    what is Source?

    local real x = GetLocationX(source) + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD) What exactly is the (source) part of that trigger? Does it mean my first location, that i want to make a polar offset from? im not quite sure :P
  4. DK's Pride

    Global Variables and a couple other questions

    function Trig_Ban_Kai_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean if ( not ( GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AA10' ) ) then return false endif return true endfunction globals set unit U = (GetTriggerUnit) //it says "Undeclared variable GetTrigger Unit on this one. . . Why? set...
  5. DK's Pride

    Popping up a picture

    I would like a Picture, of Azeroth to pop in the middle of a interclude. Is there a way to do that ? :P
  6. DK's Pride

    Slide trigger

    This slide trigger dont seem to work for me :( it moves the unit to somewhere around the middle of the map and then slides him, very strange. Shield Bash Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Shield Bash...
  7. DK's Pride

    How to refer to clones?

    How can i pick a clone and move it to a location? i dont know how to pick a clone =/
  8. DK's Pride

    Campaign Custom Data

    If i have all my Custom Data inside the Campaign Editors object editor, do i still need to put it into every map in my campaign?
  9. DK's Pride

    Anti Virus with NewGen

    Could anyone give me an example of a FREE antivirus that works with NewGen? :thup:
  10. DK's Pride

    AI Editor building Tab

    I am trying to create an AI. But there is something i would like to know If theres before placed units in the map, like 10 peons, if i did put them in the build tab would there be builded 10 peons more, or would it detect it allready have 10 peons??
  11. DK's Pride

    Pick units in a cone?

    Well uhm, first of all i would like to apoligize for the bad drawing :o But, what i want is a way to pick all thoose units in the 90 degree area behind the attacked unit How can i do that? :P
  12. DK's Pride

    Cinematic Mode

    Well, im having some fun with cinematics atm, but i am wondering.. what does Cinematic mode actually do?? Other than exploring the entire map, which is very annoying :confused:
  13. DK's Pride


    How do i add a DISBTN to a unit? i got the DISBTN but i cant find the Art - where i must add it =/.
  14. DK's Pride

    Spell lags first time used

    When i open my map, it spikes first time i use a triggered spell but it DONT do it 2nd time i use it. It kind of bothers me :P, so why is there a firsttimer lag? and can you avoid it somehow :confused:. Cause lag aint nice, even though its only first time i cast it
  15. DK's Pride

    Detect damage done by hit?

    Hello, i am trying to make a double strike spell and im wondering, how can i detect how much damage a unit takes by a normal hit? =P Note: i dont want to use Lightning orb and seering arrow to make my spell! :P
  16. DK's Pride

    Detect When Destructible Killed by a player?

    Hi. I am making a map, where you are in a city, and i have found this problem that is very annoying. If player Red kills a neutral building like a gate etc. i want Player Blue to become an enemy of Player Red because thats illegeal to do in my map :P... But i cant find a way to make it detect...
  17. DK's Pride


    Is it possible to make a spell, that makes target area completely black, and all units that enters the area also black? so you cant see whats going on in the area where everything is black.
  18. DK's Pride

    Creating a trail of transparent units

    Hello folks. I am trying to create a spell that maxes the units movement speed for x time, and creates a trail of transperent units behind the unit in the duration of the time. so it look like he run really fast :). I tried to make it and the result was i created alot transperent units...
  19. DK's Pride

    Nova damage

    i have created a nova spell, but i cant make it dmg to all units in the area, its a dummy unit based nova spell if that can help anything :). So, is there anyway i can like select all enemy units in the area and dmg them? If theres anything u need to answer me, just ask :P
  20. DK's Pride

    Day only abilities?

    This is probaly a very very very simple thing to do, but im a newb :D How do i make a passive spell only be activated at day? :thup: