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  1. N

    [Spell Request] Cone spell

    I think that is pretty obvious, I wouldn't do such a stupid mistake. :P
  2. N

    [Spell Request] Cone spell

    Tried it just now, it doesn't damage the enemy unit at all. I cannot think of any solution because I've never used Hashtables before. However, I'd like an input on my last trigger post because it seems I'm really close to getting it to work. As a matter of fact it might work. Just need a...
  3. N

    [Spell Request] Cone spell

    I know it overwrites it and it works just fine as long as I cast this spell with the same Hero over and over again. Problem is when this hero is picked twice, second guy does A LOT more damage if he casts the same spell on the same unit(s). However, if it were to cast on different units then it...
  4. N

    [Spell Request] Cone spell

    [Spell Request/Help] Cone spell I would like a spell, if possible that is based off Breath of Frost and MUI. I need it to be triggered so I can mess around with the damage values. Basically, I want it to be damage over time only, dealing damage based on how much HP the caster is missing. I was...
  5. N

    Creating Skill like Batrider (Dota)'s firefly

    Hehe, was going to suggest something like that. Thanks, +rep. ;]
  6. N

    Creating Skill like Batrider (Dota)'s firefly

    Nice, thanks a lot for the explanation and the alternative solution. The way I see it, custom value is safe as long as I don't change it during another trigger for the same unit, basically a different triggered spell used by the same hero. Thanks again, would rep ya again if I could. :) Edit...
  7. N

    Creating Skill like Batrider (Dota)'s firefly

    Tested it, didn't work. Thanks for trying though. @Accname: Thanks for the triggers, but I have to ask since I've never messed around with them before. How will the custom value exactly affect my map? I currently have another MUI spell (taken off that uses custom value. I...
  8. N

    Creating Skill like Batrider (Dota)'s firefly

    I reset the triggers back to what cow posted and second spell cast works, but it is not MUI. Tried with 2 heroes, first Hero's spell cast stops when second Hero's spell cast starts. :( Edit: Solved the problem with the special effect, I just gave the dummy the special effect model file. Can't...
  9. N

    Creating Skill like Batrider (Dota)'s firefly

    Well I checked a few MUI spells and I noticed they turn variables such as X_Caster into unit arrays instead of just unit variables. Basically every variable that has to do with the spell itself is turned into an array. I don't know if this is exactly how it works, but it makes sense so that is...
  10. N

    Creating Skill like Batrider (Dota)'s firefly

    I'm trying to recreate this spell myself so I thought I'd post here my problem, no point in making another topic since I'm using your solution. :) Basically I'm trying to make your spell, but MUI. For some reason, the second cast only spawns 1 dummy (checked by adding a model file to it)...
  11. N

    Tech and Abilities (Spellbook)

    Problem solved, you can close the topic. :)
  12. N

    Tech and Abilities (Spellbook)

    What I need is a some-sort of ability to store the Tech Upgrades. Basically, have multiple shop pages in one shop. Later Edit: I have solved the problem, I just added the Metamorphosis ability to buildings. It will morph the building into "sub-shops". This has caused a new problem though, I can...
  13. N

    Tech and Abilities (Spellbook)

    I'd like your help on something. Basically what I want is a spell-buying system like the one in "Warlock" (the map). My problem is I cannot find a spellbook-like ability that can hold Tech upgrades. My abilities are Tech Upgrades (to make it easier to remove them from shop at max level and...
  14. N

    Help with disabling the attack button

    Thanks a lot dude, it works. +rep :)
  15. N

    Help with disabling the attack button

    Ok tried that with a 10 aoe range and the enemy hero was on the move so he escaped the silence. Made it a 50 aoe range and seems to be a lot better now, but that problem still exists I guess. It won't happen often though.
  16. N

    Help with disabling the attack button

    Yeah that works, already tried it but there's one problem. The target is the ground and not the enemy hero. So if you don't time it right, the enemy could move away from there and you won't silence him.
  17. N

    Help with disabling the attack button

    Alright, thanks for the help. Will try and see what I can come up with. I will paste the code if something is wrong or if I didn't got it right.
  18. N

    Help with disabling the attack button

    Does anyone know how to disable the attack button of a hero through GUI / standard abilities? I want to make an ability that does that but if I base it on Entangling Roots it will also root the enemy in place which I do not want. I have tried the Silence spell but that's an AoE one and I can't...