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  1. M

    Help - Turning Instant AOE Spells into passive ones

    Well guys, I tried to increase the Thunder Clap cast Range but it didn't work, anyway, thanks NeuroToxin. Then I tried Ioannes idea with KaerfNomekop help. It worked. So thanks to all of you. Case Closed XD
  2. M

    Hero, ability idea. Anything is appreciated.

    Just a simple idea, the hero launches a granade at the target point. When it reaches its destiny, the granade explodes dealing some damage and shatteriing into other granades. This could be an iterative shattering process, with the number of times shattered increased by each level of the ability...
  3. M

    Help - Turning Instant AOE Spells into passive ones

    If I had the Answer, I wouldn't have opened this topic. I Have already tried the Orb-based ability and it doesn't works. My guess is that the orb-based abilities triggers just abilities with target such as chain lightning, purge, frost bolt and things like that. Anyway, thanks for replying.
  4. M

    Skill help

    Well, I don't see the point in trigger 1, I believe you want to set the level of the damage dealt overtime. Other than that, you can create a custom skill based on Acid armor, as KaerfNomekop (PokemonFreak <-- xD) told, lets call it Damage OT. then, to make the dummy unit use the skill at the...
  5. M

    Help - Turning Instant AOE Spells into passive ones

    Well, I have already though of something like that but I don't know how to detect when the unit with the ability attacks, do you have any idea? Thanks btw.
  6. M

    Help - Turning Instant AOE Spells into passive ones

    Hi there. My first post here so if I did something wrong, please tell me. I have a question whose answer i couldn't find by searching the forum. I want to know how to make an ability like Thunder Clap, for instance, to be passively casted, in the same way as a orb based ability (an orb...