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  1. E

    Map won´t load (broken?)

    Ive got a strange problem: When I try to test it in the editor it opens wc3 but returns to the main menu. I already tried to run it with wc3 only but its the same thing here. It doesn´t show an error or something, just nothing :( The strange thing is that I did not add much, no triggers...
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    aoe bloodlust ??

    I made this trigger but it won´t work. Why? Bloodlust Events Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) equal to Bloodlust Actions Set TempPoint = (Position of (Triggering unit)) Unit - Create 1 Dummy for...
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    Questions relativ to RPG map

    I´ve got a few problems: 1. Experience I want that all player heros get the same exp and enemy heros shouldn´t gain exp when a player dies near them. I checked the free trigger code but found nothing. Means I´d like trigger exp not the normal way. I think a just need an approach :o 2...
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    How to get multiple terrain tiles?

    Well, I´ve seen a lot of maps with different terrain, some mountains with snow, a desert, a forest etc. I was wondering how they did this? Do I need triggers or something?
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    Channel Spell - Projectile Art

    I used the search function - found my question asked but never answerd. Therefor I ask it again: Art - Projectil Art seems to be not working for the channel ability. How can I get a projectil art?
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    Can 2 Triggers run at the same time?

    Well, I´ve made a trigger that periodicly spawns units. It looks like this: Red Spawn1 Events Time - Elapsed game time is 30.00 seconds Conditions Spawn[1] equal to True Actions Wait Unit_Time[1] seconds If (All Conditions are True) then do...
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    FirePandaren´s Death Animation

    I know there is one, since I´ve seen it in Vexorian´s Spellfactory. But I don´t get it working in my map.
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    Orb Question

    Well, I´ve got another problem. I wanted to create 2 abilitys based on fire and frost orb for the same hero. Though the damage stacks, the abilitys don´t. Only the spell you learn at last shows effect. So if you learn the frost orb ability first, and the fire orb ability second, the slowing...
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    How to get damage dealt to a unit

    How can I detect the damage dealt to a unit? I hope this is possible because I want to create an ability that gives a chance to counter and deal double damage dealt to the unit. Well, I actually got it lol
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    Conan´s Jump Spell

    Hi guys, well, I need Conan´s Jump Spell again. I know there was a thread about it but somehow I can´t find it anymore :banghead: If you could just post a link or something I would be very pleased!
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    2 ability questions (aoe spell, magic immunity spell)

    Need your help again ;) 1. Question: I´d like to have an ultimate ability that heals friendly units (including self) and damages enemys in an area around the caster. My trigger looks like this: Events: Unit - A unit starts casting an ability Conditions: (Ability being cast)...
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    Bladestorm animation?!

    Hi! I created an ability based on "Pulverize" (? don´t know if its exactly called like this, because im playing the german version). Everything works well, except the animation. It plays the slam animation instead of the "attack walk stand spin" (which is the one from bladestorm) although...
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    multiple shot damage question

    Hi there, I used a multishot ability based on barriage just like in the tut by SD_Ryoko. Now Ive got a problem, because barriage seemed to have a constant damage. Is there a way to use the unit´s damage for the ability? Sorry for my bad English :o
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    Ryoko´s unit loader with item?

    Hi guy´s, I´d like to use the unit loader system from SD_Ryoko, with an item. You get the item, which you can use on a "steamtank" to get into it. Just like the ability. Can you tell me if thats possible? I´ve already changed...
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    Chooser Unit

    Hi there, I´m planing to make some kind of a unit for choosing a race. For Example: At the beginning you´ve got a wisp. You select a race and it will build the townhall at the start location. My Question is, what to use for selecting the race? Different spells for each or something and...
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    Ability problem

    hi I created 2 abilities based on battle roar. When the unit starts casting one of them, the other one will be casted too (or at least it has to cool down). Is there a way to avoid that? :confused:
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    Hero saving?

    Hi there! Im working on an RPG Map and I´d like to have some separate "Dungeons". Is there a way to save a hero with everything (items, lvl, ...) like in the Rexxar Campaign?
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    Maps aren´t shown anymore?

    Is there a limit of custom Maps in Wc3? When I put some more in, they aren´t shown in my Maplist. (And, yes, I know where to put them ...) I hope you can help me with this =)) mhhh no body want´s to help me =/