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  1. I

    Pick every unit in Region matching...

    I can't seem to make it work. I wanted it to pick every unit in the map that matched a certain custom value, but how do I do that? For now I got this... Events Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Any Ability Command Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Smart Command...
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    Problems with BuffStruct&SpellStruct

    scope LightningStrike globals private constant integer ABILITY_ID = 'A006' endglobals private function Damage takes unit caster returns real return I2R(GetHeroAgi(caster, true) + GetHeroStr(caster, true)) * (0.8 + 0.2 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster, ABILITY_ID))...
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    How can I check if any unit of a type are within X range of another unit?

    In the most efficient way possible :)
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    System Cmd

    CMD Because Berp is a lazy bummer. This system was not made by me, but by Uberplayer, that is too lazy to submit his awesome stuff. Go thank him in the chat if you want. That also means that you should +rep him, not ME! //! zinc library cmd requires Table { constant string...
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    Spell Immolate

    Immolate Because Immolation is not enough. Surrounds target unit(allied or enemy) with flames, dealing damage each .33 seconds to enemy units near it. GUI/vJASS= vJASS Leakless?= Yes. Lagless= Yes. MUI/MPI?= MUI Requires: AIDS, Event, KT2, GT and Damage. Changelog: v1.01...
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    [Request] System Addition

    Hello, can I haz a Master_GetSummons function with this system? Pwetty pwease! :o library IndieSummon uses AIDS, KT //************************************************************************************************** //* //* Independant Summons //* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ //*...
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    Comments on spells&code

    I've made these 2 spells for a hero, they're actually my first try to create nice spells with structs and I'd like to receive some comments about them. First spell is, ~Blink Nova The caster blinks near the targeted enemy, dealing damage and slowing units within 300 range. If there aren't any...
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    Problem with recoloring models

    I recolored Frost armor from blue to green and imported it in my map. It doesn't work, nothing shows up. Need help, thanks!
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    Spell Electrical Discharge

    Electrical Discharge Gives a chance to release lightning bolts upon damaging an enemy. A single enemy cannot be hit often. GUI/vJASS= vJASS Leakless?= Yes. Lagless= Yes. MUI/MPI?= MUI Requires: AIDS, DummyCaster, Event, T32, Lightning and Damage. Changelog: v1.10a: -Improved preload...
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    Need big help to optimize this spell

    scope ElectricalDischarge initializer Init // Electrical Discharge // Spell Descrpt.: //--------------------------- // Gives a chance to release lightning bolts upon damaging an enemy that jump and deal damage to nearby targets. // A single enemy cannot be...
  11. I

    Help with excluding a random Rect

    Map Start Events Map initialization Conditions ((Player((Integer A))) controller) Equal to (==) User Actions Set StartingRects[1] = Isle 1 <gen> Set StartingRects[10] = Isle 10 <gen> Set StartingRects[11] = Isle 11 <gen> Set...
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    Autocast Cleave?

    Any suggestions on how to make an ability that, when autocast is activated, splashes damage to nearby enemies?
  13. I

    Problems with Random unit within ...

    Mass Lightning Events Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing Way of Elements: Mass Lightning as A substring Conditions Actions Set Spell_Level = (Integer((Substring((Entered chat string), 33, 35)))) Set Spell_Point = (Position of...
  14. I

    Spell Timed Barrage

    Timed Barrage Allows shooting of several arrows with a single attack for a short amount of time. GUI/vJASS= vJASS Leakless?= Yes(I hope). Lagless= Yes(for me). MUI/MPI?= MUI Changelog: v1.1 -Spell is now MUI. Thanks to Tom Kazansky for concept! -Fixed a bug with Barrage shooting too...
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    Spell dealing more damage than it's supposed to do?

    scope CurseOfChar initializer Initialization //------------------------------------------------------------- // Curse of Char //------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: //--------------------------- //Curse the target...
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    Spell Hydrovacuum

    Hydrovacuum Conjures several sharp water blades that move to the center of the target area. When the blades hit an enemy, they dissolve and the damaged unit gets knocked in the centre of the spell. GUI/vJASS= vJASS Leakless?= Yes(I hope). Lagless= Yes. MUI/MPI?= MUI Changelog: v1.1 -Improved...
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    Local in another function?

    Is there a way to "pass" a local in a function to another one? Thanks ;)
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    Unit within range of ...

    How I refer to other unit of this event? (Triggering Unit) refers to the unit entering in range, I want to refer to the other unit.
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    Spell Pestilence

    Pestilence Conjures several pestilential clouds that move to the target point and damage units that touch them. GUI/vJASS= vJASS Leakless?= Yes(I hope). Lagless= Yes. MUI/MPI?= MUI Changelog: v1.2a -Fixed spacing. v1.2 -Updated code. -Removed not needed triggers. v1.1a...
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    Spell God's Hand

    God's Hand Calls forth rays of holy light to allies around the caster. The rays jump and heal nearby targets. Heals less each bounce. GUI/vJASS= vJASS Leakless?= Yes. Lagless?= Yes. MUI/MPI?= MUI Changelog: v2.00 -Updated code. -Spell can now target random units around the caster. -Replaced...