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  1. Ark'u'roth

    Very weird bug - warcraft shuts down

    When running a test play of my cinematic, at a certain, specific time the entire warcraft program will close itself without a word of warning or pause. I'm not sure if this problem always existed or is new, because I just recently reached this time in the progression of my programming...
  2. Ark'u'roth

    No spells are working

    For some reason in my cinematic no one can cast spells. Other orders work, but when told to cast a spell units just sit there. Help, please!
  3. Ark'u'roth

    Bizarre sound importing problem

    About half the sound files I try to import, even when I convert them to different file types, import apparently fine but then claim it isn't a 'valid sound file.' Sometimes sounds that previously were 'valid' suddenly become invalid. Also, when working in the sound manager the entire world...
  4. Ark'u'roth

    On a Grand Scale

    Hey there. Would anyone know how to make this function call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(unit,1) apply to all units on the map? I'd greatly appreciate some help. Thanks
  5. Ark'u'roth

    Animations - Stand 1 vs. Stand compilation

    Yo. Does anyone know how to keep units from fidgeting? I'm running a very serious cinematic and I'd like them to stay in animation Stand - 1, but the default is to cylce through all Stand animations. I'd really appreciate the help. And just a newcomer's thought - with 1,686 pages of...