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  1. WreckWalk

    Tile Blending

    How do i make it where the tiles sort of blend together. Where they overlap the brick in cityscape tile sets etc. A good example is what the tiles do in TBR 2.0. They sort of overlap the brick and eachother.
  2. WreckWalk

    Tile Cover Question

    How would i make it where if i put any tile next to the tile Cityscape brick, that it will go over the top of the brick and cover the edge, instead of every tile going underneath it.
  3. WreckWalk

    Floating Text Question

    How would i make a trigger to display floating text of amount of damage done each time a unit attacks, and when a unit dies how much experience it gives. If i need any variables can you specify which type it is. Thanks
  4. WreckWalk

    Gold mark for quests

    Hi i was just wondering how do you get the gold exclamation point above units heads indicating that the unit "has a quest" to give you. Thanks
  5. WreckWalk

    Custom Interface Help

    Yeah how would i make that custom one
  6. WreckWalk

    Custom Interface Help

    yeah i know HOW to change it but how do i physically make the changes, like how do i edit it to make it red or w/e
  7. WreckWalk

    Custom Interface Help

    I was wondering how you make a custom interface like where the portrait/minimap/inventory etc is located. I want to change the color and shape etc but how would I make the image the right size and such.
  8. WreckWalk

    Max Limit Doodads

    I hit the max limit for doodads in my map and i tried to use New Gen and WE Unlimited but i couldnt get them to work. WE Unlimited would cause WE to close everytime i hit the unlimited doodads and new gen i cant get to work at all. Is there any other way to get passed the limit?
  9. WreckWalk

    RPG Spawns

    I know how to do spawns and all that, but how would i make it where the units spawning dont pile up, like only 3 at a time can be in a region at a time, and then when 1-3 of them in that region die, then 30 secs later they spawn back
  10. WreckWalk

    Item drop triggers

    I want to make it where a unit keeps respawning and has a loot table of 5 items each at a 20% drop rate. But since it is respawning i cant use the loot table by hitting enter on the unit. How would i create a trigger for this?
  11. WreckWalk

    Item Drop Help

    Im having the units i want to drop the item spawn at 30 second intervals, but its all the same unit, does that still work for that way?
  12. WreckWalk

    Item Drop Help

    How do i make it where when a unit dies, it has a 1% chance to drop a specific item.
  13. WreckWalk

    Custom Models Help

    Ok so i want to import a custom model for a flamethrower. I import the model it gives me(it only gave me a model no textures) and when i restart world editor to get rid of the green cube, the model just appears as a shadow and when they attack no projection art or animation appears. am i...
  14. WreckWalk

    Custom spells?

    How do you make custom hero spells, such as an ability that grants +5 strength or +10% to dmg ect. And how do i create a spellbook for these spells.
  15. WreckWalk

    Ammo system

    How would i make where the gunners in my game have ammo, where everytime they shoot it uses 1 ammo, and then when they run out(they cant attack) how do i make it where they pick up an ammo box(item) and get ammo back Thanks
  16. WreckWalk

    Loading screen help

    Is there a way to change the picture to a custom image in the box where it displays what the map looks like on the loading screen that tells who has loaded the game(highlighted with green when ready)? Thanks. I also had a question, i can't host any games. On my modem is says...
  17. WreckWalk

    Visible Map question

    Thanks guys :)
  18. WreckWalk

    Visible Map question

    i meant like how can i control when it changes to night and day, like can i make the day last for this amount of time and then at this elapsed game time it changes to night
  19. WreckWalk

    Visible Map question

    How do i make it where the whole map is visible, so where not just the area where your units are located is lit up. I want it where the whole map is lit up all the time. Also how would i make it appear sunny, then have a trigger where it changes the weather to make it look like its night time.