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  1. C

    Static Variables Inside Functions

    So I was going through and wondering of you can cast static local variables inside of functions. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, these are basically local variables that aren't deleted when you exit the function (static local variables). I doubt this is a feature of JASS, and...
  2. C

    Type Casting Functions

    Hey, type casting in JASS seems easy when called via functions, if it's not one of the few supported through premade functions, such as I2S. I've been wondering though if there's a function available premade for converting an integer to a boolean. If not, I'll just create a function, it just...
  3. C

    Raise to the power of N

    Hey guys, is there a built in function that can do as the title says, such as 5^3 (5*5*5)? If not, I can just use this function I made up, but if something is already there, I might as well use it. function power takes integer a, integer b returns integer local integer count=1 local...
  4. C

    Communicating with a server, possible?

    Hey guys, I doubt this is supported by the WE or WEU, but is there a way to communicate with a database such as MySQL? If I could securely write info, that'd be awesome, but if only reading is possible, that'd be cool too :) What about accessing a URL though, such as...
  5. C

    And/Or in If statements?

    Hey guys, I could test for this, but if someone knows, you'll save me a lot of time lol. Are you suppose to be able to use AND/OR statements in JASS If statements? I know you can like use GetBooleanAnd(statement,statement), but is there a way to just go like if(staement AND statement)? Also...
  6. C

    Change Hero Stats InGame?

    Hey, is there a way to change a hero's mana regeneration rate, health regeneration rate, etc, without adding items/abilities? -Chris
  7. C

    Absolute Value

    Does anyone know how to find the absolute value of a number? I can, of course, say something like this: if number < 0 set number = number - number * 2 (EX: -5 - (-10) = -5 + 10 = 5) endif But if there's a way to just find the absolute value, that'd be so much easier. -Chris
  8. C

    Play Walk Animation

    So, I tried making a unit loop it's walk animation, but right as I do so, it stops almost immediately. My guess is, he's automatically going back into his Stop animation. My question is, how do I loop the walk animation? Do I need to give him locust to remove these awkward behaviors? If so...
  9. C

    Setting Globals Via JASS

    So, I'm trying to create a global variable in JASS (to avoid the variable editor), but it always returns errors. Is there any way to input globals without the WE telling you something is wrong? I'm getting that newgen soon, does this allow such a feature? I even tried to set in the Map Name...
  10. C

    Same Bas Spell, Twice, Possible?

    As many of you may know, using the same base spell (such as modding two Banish spells), and giving them both to the same hero kinda screws things up. It automatically uses just one of them, and the cooldown is tied. Well, is it possible to overcome this, or is there absolutely no way? If not...
  11. C

    Idea To Reduce WE Thread Bulk

    So, anyone who goes in the WE forum knows that it gets a lot of posts. So, how do we prevent this? I was thinking, why not add the following subcategories? A lot of people post random stuff like "Post Item Ideas Here!". Why not have a forum for "Creating Thinking" where all ideas for new...
  12. C

    Power Word: Fortitude - JASS Help Needed

    EDIT: I think it's more appropraite now to call this something like Title - Power Word: Fortitude - JASS Help Needed If a mod feels like changing the title, thanks! Read my third post (thread post #5), it describes best, I'll just delete this post since it makes no sense. -Chris
  13. C

    Spell Adding +Str Temporarily

    Does anyone know of a default spell that temporarily increases strength? All I can find are items that do this, but no powerups sadly (such as runes). The only spells I found increased attack speed/damage, move speed, and attack damage lol. If nobody knows of any, what would be the best...
  14. C

    Custom Spell Level Requirements

    So, there's the whole thing about spells where to learn them, you set a base and a number to skip for the preceding required levels, as we all may know. For example, a basic spell might start with a level requirement of lvl 1, then have further requirements every 2 levels (1,3,5,7...). Is...
  15. C

    "Target unit of ability being cast" Not Working?

    Yay, me again with more problems :) Anyways, so I have no idea why this doesn't work. I even tried storing the target unit of ability being cast as a variable, but nothing seems to work. BTW, this is the spell for Lesser Healing (based from Holy Light). I know the event starts and condition...
  16. C

    Wow Image Pack Exist?

    I know there are limited packs for WoW images, but anyone know of an image pack containing all spells, or no? I could manually create on my own from the game or websites, but that takes a long time lol. If you know of any, please let me know, thanks! -Chris
  17. C

    Spell Mana Cost

    I don't play WoW anymore, but am trying to duplicate them for WC3. My question is, when I looked at the spells I noticed there was a % base value. All the spells I researched seemed to do this. Like lesser heal for example, takes up 36% of base mana, according to In-game, does...
  18. C

    Spell Confusing Enemies With Allies

    So, I tried to create a cool little spell, that I thought would be simple. I'm basically trying to recreate Holy Nova (the old ultimate in WoW for Holy Priests). When I run this though, I came up with some problems. As you can see, I output text to let me know what's going on. Part One Works...
  19. C

    Yards To Units?

    So, I am trying to duplicate WoW spells, because hopefully I can help some, while at the same time I'll be challenging myself, and hopefully become better at what I'm doing. The main problem is, some spells in WoW refer to feet. Now, what I'm wondering is, what 1 foot equal to in the rage of...
  20. C

    When A Player Types...

    So, I have this little code where if Any player types a command, it runs the trigger, while referring to triggering player. Is there a way to just say "If a player types.." opposed to using "If red...If blue..." etc for each color? Thanks guys. -Chris