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  1. martix

    Detecting units armor

    How would I do that? It will be through some process of calculation, thats for sure - since there is no direct way of getting it from the game.
  2. martix

    Get all units within cone

    Er, thanks for clarifying this up for me :)
  3. martix

    JASS and the NABBS

    On a complete sidenote - what does "Special Members" mean?
  4. martix

    JASS and the NABBS

    vJass is an extension of the jass language. Technically its just a preprocessor... And the language of newgen is vJass, the most advanced thing to come our way since TFT... :)
  5. martix

    Errors and code...

  6. martix

    Get all units within cone

    > It's also not working... Mind expanding on that? I was under the assumption it would work. The range, as with any arc function is in degrees, in this case for tangent [-180;180] Other than perhaps atan2 not doing what I think its doing, I do not see what else could be wrong. If I am using it...
  7. martix

    Errors and code...

    Save errors and code... Today I tried to make a function that give me the armor of a given unit. The problems however started when I tried to test it... newgen began giving me all sorts of strange errors when I tried to save the map. Errors like access violations/bad pointers for jasshelper...
  8. martix

    Get all units within cone That is all I have to say :) Completely leakless and easy, you just have to know your math :)
  9. martix

    Get units current defence

    Stats are real values so you can make it mostly accurate. For positive Armor, damage reduction =((armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor)) For negative Armor, it is damage increase = 2-0.94^(-armor) since you take more damage for negative armor scores. So... my suggestion is, when you do the armor check...
  10. martix

    Snippet String function - Wildcard pattern matching

    I wonder what a regex engine could be used for... This goes some of the way, but I don't know how possible a complete one is :)
  11. martix

    Need Good Ability Ideas

    Troll assassin: Go with the flow - skilled in deception, backstabbing and stealthy elimination of opponents. 1. An idea for a passive - when attacking a unit from behind - ignores 20/40/60/80 percent of the armor of the opponent. 2. Poison dagger - poison is a classic when talking about...
  12. martix

    Just a rare WE question topic...

    Would you have learned JASS before GUI if you could've? You either start with GUI when you begin playing with the editor or you already know JASS(sort of) - its a simple enough language, nothing all too specific, so if you have previous knowledge the jump wont be big. JASS ain't the best...
  13. martix

    How to make unit flash on low health ?

    wellwish3r, you leak, don't reset and pick an unnecessary huge amount of units all over your triggers. So... my suggestion being: Does not leak as far as I know, is fast, simple and foolproof. :)
  14. martix

    Any complex spell requests?

    Any thoughts on mine? As for Renendaru - I believe the first is - damage all nearby by 15% of hero max HP at the cost of 15% of hero current hp, and second - damage all nearby by 50% of hero current hp and heal hero for 15% of hero max hp. :)
  15. martix

    Trigger not working

    Thats wrong... He is only creating a timer window. The timer - its declared in globals... Question: What are you trying to do.
  16. martix

    Any complex spell requests?

    Name: Dark Shroud (Diablo anyone?) Code: Any technique you like... Description: Places a shroud of darkness upon your surroundings, lowering all enemy vision in an area. AoE and duration increase per level. Point of the spell: Lowering the sight range of enemy units for a period. The area...
  17. martix

    Ideas in Beating Cheats...

    For the gold thing - a sub-second timer that checks gold/lumber diffrence... Easy to implement and to run. :)
  18. martix

    Tutorial Mathematics - Basic Uses and Application

    Well it would be useful for people to know how to convert between polar coordinates(distance, angle) and Cartesian ones(abscissa - X, ordinate - Y). Thats what I meant. I thought you were familiar with the terms because of your pick of tutorial subject. Otherwise its a great tutorial for the...
  19. martix

    Tutorial Mathematics - Basic Uses and Application

    Hows about adding a piece about Cartesian<->Polar transformations? :) Put some nice examples and appications. When you think about it, these are the most powerful, yet underused functions. Probably because of the lack of knowledge and imagination in your average map maker. And with the trig(aslo...
  20. martix

    Commands with substring not working

    Generally its not (Entered chat string) Equal to (Substring(-timer , 1, 7)), more like (Substring((Entered chat string), 1, 7)) Equal to -timer. And um, if I might add something - that trigger is just lame... I mean what gives? You're making a map, just so you can beat everyone with your custom...