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  1. SomaZ

    Defense Dead Rampage - A zombie survival

    I am going to make this map from zero (open the world editor and start doing stuff). This map is inspired by games Left 4 Dead and Natural Selection. :thup: Dead Rampage Short: This map will be a somewhat classical zombie survival. You choose one of several heroes and start in a...
  2. SomaZ

    Neutral Units Spell Casting

    Is it true that Neutral Victim and Neutral Extra units can't cast spells? I mean via Issueing an order through triggers. If not then it sux :(
  3. SomaZ

    Enemies run from Buildings? (was: I fail)

    Another "bug" in programming or w/e. Ok, so in my AoS map I am using Neutral Victim and Neutral Extra as creeps. They don't attack buildings without damaging capabilities and just pass by them. So with a trigger I cause the building to damage units dealing 0 damage and OMG! They started...
  4. SomaZ

    Find where the player is looking right now

    What I'm looking for is the point - center of a player's current view. Like set Temp_Point = Center of Player 1 (red) current view. Or something like that. Is there a way to do that?