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  1. D

    Creep Revival Trigger Issues.

    Alright, im trying to get a respawn trigger for an AoS that will respawn any pre-placed units where they were originally. it also has to be able to last longer than the decay time (edited to 30 seconds. respawn needs to be ~10-15 minutes) and spawn them for their original owner, not just neutral...
  2. D

    Other Castle Siege

    Game description In its core concepts, this game is a melee and AoS game combined. but it features a number of unique systems and ways of doing older systems. i would also like to point out that this game is also heavily based on teamwork. Basics of How To Play Two teams of three players and a...
  3. D

    AoS Conquest Campaign

    Just so i don't get people's hopes up too much, i have not actually begun to make this game yet, nor am i really sure i will make it. i am posting this in order to get feedback to see if it seems like a good idea since i don't wanna put a lot of time and effort into it to just have people shrug...