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  1. †ALPHA†

    Flame Trap - Trigger Help

    I've been trying to trigger a fire trap but so far haven't found a good solution. I'm using a combination of three triggers to get it done. It works but it can only do damage to one unit who enters the region instead of all of them. In addition, I would prefer if I could get the fire trap...
  2. †ALPHA†

    A Short Film

    Don't know if any of you guys ever saw this, but the guys over at Starcraft Legacy put this up about a week ago. Watch in HD:
  3. †ALPHA†

    A Tribute Trigger

    I'm working on a 1v1 map where there are four regions located in different "towns" that a player can control in order to receive a tribute of gold and soldiers. I've tried to figure it out, but I can't figure out how to get the the actual tribute section of the trigger to loop. I need it to...
  4. †ALPHA†

    Possible for player actions to change campaign?

    Is it possible for the actions of a player to change the missions/quests he is given later in the campaign? If, for example, you have a standard light side vs dark side RPG scenario and you let the player choose which "path" to take, is it possible to alter the quests of future maps in the...
  5. †ALPHA†

    Pathing collision problem

    I have a huge tank and am trying to give it the proper collision size so that it doesn't move through units. I've tried comparing it to buildings its size and using that as a reference but haven't had any luck. I even tried the max "pathing collision size" possible of 1024 without ANY change...
  6. †ALPHA†

    Animating a building - help

    I have a custom lumber mill model that's missing a proper work animation. I already tried transferring the original human lumber mill work anim but that didn't work. So I tried a group of triggers. Unfortunately because the triggers are rather inefficient the removal of the effect doesn't...
  7. †ALPHA†

    Custom Import Error

    Since I've never gotten this error or even heard of it, I'm going to give some rather lengthy background to the problem: I'm currently making a map using a lot of custom models. Because I intend to play it over LAN I decided to use MDX squisher on the models in order to keep the map size...
  8. †ALPHA†

    Orc icon requests

    I was wondering if anyone could do a simple recolor of the chaos grunt, raider, and blademaster. Green skin instead of red skin and white eyes instead of yellow ones. And, if you're feeling extra kind: green-skinned, red eyed ones as well! :thup:
  9. †ALPHA†

    Custom Unit Training

    I'm working on a fairly basic campaign and am using custom models. I tried writing a trigger that would train and "group" a custom unit for the computer opponent. The trigger fails to train the custom unit, however. I've read that the AI editor (which I've never used) is the only way to use...