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  1. NoxMortus

    Obama Healthcare plain and simple.

    You can deny the facts all you want, but the statistics show that all the top countries for healthcare have some kind of universal healthcare. The U.S is joined only by third-world or developing countries in denying their citizens healthcare. It is really ironic that US taxes are paying...
  2. NoxMortus

    Obama Healthcare plain and simple.

    For a 'horrible patch' it sure works very, very well.
  3. NoxMortus

    Obama Healthcare plain and simple.

    Yes, it was a hypothetical question posed to a person who said 'why give someone something for free... you get what you work for...' But on the point, are you really comfortable in trusting welfare of americans in the discretion of a few, unelected civilians?
  4. NoxMortus

    Obama Healthcare plain and simple.

    No, but if everyone were to live by rugged individualism in an ultra-capitalist society ...
  5. NoxMortus

    Obama Healthcare plain and simple.

    Yes, but the constitution also gives you the ability to change your legislation in case of unforeseen circumstances that require it. Judging by this, I'm assuming you think the government should not give food and shelter to those who need it? In an ultra-capitalist system, would you have...
  6. NoxMortus

    Obama Healthcare plain and simple.

    Universal Healthcare is something I value greatly, and I am thankful I live in a country which provides healthcare no matter how fat your wallet is. Best case scenario for me if I lived in a country without universal healthcare: blind in one eye & brain damaged. Worst case scenario = I...
  7. NoxMortus

    Crime Mother of Starved Child Believes He'll Live Again

    Also, inb4 'It's all supposed to be metaphorical!' XiDmMBIyfsU
  8. NoxMortus

    Crime Mother of Starved Child Believes He'll Live Again

    Really?? You're going to make me dig around for this? Sigh, would be good if people actually read the Bible for themselves. Will edit this when I've found the texts. Edit~ Next page
  9. NoxMortus

    Crime Mother of Starved Child Believes He'll Live Again

    The difference is, Stalin didn't do what he did because he was an atheist. While in the Bible Jesus clearly says if you believe in him, your prayers will come true.
  10. NoxMortus

    Euthanasia. is it right?

    From the time their terminal illness is diagnosed, and possibly the years following, they usually have time to consider their options. Hardly spur of the moment. Fair point, Having the choice is ideal then, rather being forced to die in a certain way because the law feels you don't have the...
  11. NoxMortus

    Euthanasia. is it right?

    I think everyone has the right to their own body. In this situation the patient should receive counselling, and if they are completely set on the idea, then it is their decision and should be respected as such. I think doctor's should ease suffering, but above all respect the patient's...
  12. NoxMortus

    Should women be drafted into the military?

    In the British Armed Forces, they are currently reviewing their restrictions on allowing women to serve in frontline and 'close-combat' roles. Some officials and Generals make the case that having women integrated into the Infantry divisions would 'jeopardise operational effectiveness'. As...
  13. NoxMortus

    Which Race Do You Like Most

    Human. They are all about versatility and fast-counters. We don't necessarily have the best of any type of unit, but we can muster up counter units fast. Also because I make blademasters cry with MK + Bloodmage for infinite storm bolts.
  14. NoxMortus

    Adobe Photoshop CS4 : What the hell?

    I was pleased with the tabbing also, but overall I found CS4 to be garbage. I am going to be using CS2 instead.
  15. NoxMortus

    Crime Owner Of Gaming Forum Killed, Wrote Killers Name In Own Blood

    This is disgusting. The murderer turned up at the guy's house with a knife and a fake suicide note and denies pre-meditated murder. I hope this bastard never tastes freedom again.
  16. NoxMortus

    Crime Pirate Bay founders sent to jail

    He used the cassette tape logo and the name of the site as a point in favor of the conviction. I didn't bring it up but I will definitely point it out for the moot it is. Let's see here.. He said Which could be used to accurately describe Google, Yahoo! Answers, and many similar...
  17. NoxMortus

    Crime Pirate Bay founders sent to jail

    So you're basing your assumption on the site's logo? THAT is absurd. So.. when is the trial for Google, Yahoo! Answers, going to take place?
  18. NoxMortus

    Crime Pirate Bay founders sent to jail

    A more accurate analogy is someone who hosts a chat room in which people are free to discuss what they want, including how to build a bomb.
  19. NoxMortus

    Crime Pirate Bay founders sent to jail

    You're telling me that we shouldn't question the integrity of the law? THAT is bordering insanity. Letting a select few rule over everyone without review or regulation, think about that for a second. The court dropped the copyright infringement charges because, obviously, they hadn't comitted...
  20. NoxMortus

    Crime Pirate Bay founders sent to jail

    Well, it came as a shock BECAUSE earlier in the trial, the copyright infringment charge was dropped for having no basis. Now we hear that the court did a complete 180 degree turn and sentenced them to jail for this charge. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of bribery going on here...