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  1. Gryffin

    Dual Wielding Beams

    Solved: The key was to create a custom Attach Pattern based on AMPatternBanshee. I filled the base as RollingIndex. I filled the Driver as the ID of my Damage effect. And I left the rest as default. For more information, check out this thread.
  2. Gryffin

    Dual Wielding Beams

    Hello, I have been having much trouble getting attacks to work properly for units who have two guns or cannons, like the Marauder and the Banshee. Specifically, right now I am trying to create a Banshee beam attack wherein the beam is the Hellion's flame thrower. It works fine except both...
  3. Gryffin

    Unit Selection Size

    I solved the problem. I had hidden the terrain cells, as I'm making a space map. When I placed my units, their height was beneath the floor, which was why I could not select them. I simply raised their height, and I can select them just fine now. However, the selection circle is off, or the...
  4. Gryffin

    Unit Selection Size

    Hello, I had to increase the scale of my unit, by changing the Actor scale. However, the Unit is unselectable. I unchecked the "Unselectable" flag in the unit, but no dice. Drag selection won't work either. I'm using Planet Icon Char for my Actor Model. It looks great, but I can't select it. Is...
  5. Gryffin

    Tutorial Repository - Starcraft 2 Editor

    Custom Structures / Buildings, Builders, and Build Abilities
  6. Gryffin

    Tutorial General - Custom Structures / Buildings, Builders, and Build Abilities

    After much trial and error and use of other tutorials, I have finally discovered the definitive method of creating a custom Structure or Building, as well as custom Build abilities for each of the races. I feel that there is no single tutorial that completely describes this process, so I've...
  7. Gryffin

    Custom Construction Ability

    Thanks for the help ZeroPoints. However, this was not the issue. I was aware of the Info - Time field, and had it set to 20 seconds. The issue was that the Mothership needs to be given the ability "Build in Progress". See the original post in this thread for more info. Thanks again.
  8. Gryffin

    Custom Construction Ability

    SOLVED! The solution is very simple, structures have the ability "Build in Progress". Go to your Unit, in this case, the Mothership, open the field Ability-Abilities+, and add the ability "Build in Progress'. Read a detailed Tutorial here...
  9. Gryffin

    Graviton Beam Without Stopping

    Hey, I solved it with the help of another forum, though thank you for the help as well. The problem was that my Flags had to be set to Transient, Allowed Movement, and No Deceleration. My Arc is also set to zero, which I think does help. Also, I learned that the set height of Graviton Beam's...
  10. Gryffin

    Graviton Beam Without Stopping

    Hello, I'm trying to make Graviton Beam work without having the Phoenix stop moving to cast it. I currently have the Phoenix able to move after he has casted the spell, while it is in progress, but he still stops in order to begin casting the spell. I've looked at Flags, Events, everything I can...
  11. Gryffin

    Protoss Building Construction Animation Not Showing

    Hey, I'm trying to create a custom building based on Dark Shrine. Everything works fine, but despite my best efforts, when I ask my unit (custom unit based on Probe) to build the building, the Probe turns around and plays his little build blue cone animation and a progress bar fills for 10...
  12. Gryffin

    Vorpal Blades Damage Loss

    Thanks for the help, both of you. Sadly, the field does not allow decimals nor percentages. It does allow negative values, but they fail to serve my purpose. I guess I'll have to do without or think of something REALLY creative.
  13. Gryffin

    Vorpal Blades Damage Loss

    Hey there, I'm working on an incremental vorpal blades upgrade, wherein each level of the upgrade increases the percent damage done to units in the line. This is done by increasing the value of damage loss factor. In the upgrade, you can add Attack Damage Loss Bonus - Base, and - Increment...
  14. Gryffin

    Certain Units Not Receiving Auras

    Hey, thanks for responding. I wasn't aware that Vampiric does not affect ranged units. That was my exact issue. That really is a pity, though. I can't think of another aura that has the same affect as vampiric. Maybe the inability to affect ranged units will work out for the design; we'll see...
  15. Gryffin

    Certain Units Not Receiving Auras

    In my game Manifest, I have buildings over which you can take control. The buildings have auras with infinite range that affect all allied units. However, specific units, and even specific units on a certain team, do NOT receive at least one of the auras (but may receive others). This appears to...
  16. Gryffin

    Unit Leaves Region Slow to React

    Heyhey! It works. Officially! The above method, yours, is the answer. I was totally wrong about the origin of the game crash. It had nothing to do with messenger movement at all. The game crashed because of another action I had added to a completely separate messenger trigger around the same...
  17. Gryffin

    Unit Leaves Region Slow to React

    Yeah. I've thought about the periodic option. But I'd rather avoid that because I think it's sort of a laggy, last resort option. Also, its not a s precise as unit leaves region. If I have to, I will use periodic event. I'm glad to hear that multiple events wouldn't crash the game. But then I...
  18. Gryffin

    Unit Leaves Region Slow to React

    I got it to work! ...Sort of... It's all thanks to your suggestion, too. When a Messenger is trained, this trigger is run: Messenger Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit Conditions (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Messenger Actions If (All...
  19. Gryffin

    Unit Leaves Region Slow to React

    I've tried that. The event "A Unit Leaves Region Centered at Point" MUST be centered on a pre-existing unit, the point of which counts as a region. Therefore, to try this method, I had no choice but to create a unit in the editor then replace the trained unit with that pre-existing unit...
  20. Gryffin


    Manifest is a two-player, competitive, turn-based strategy game. Manifest is being developed solely by yours truly, Gryffin. In Manifest, players choose five heroes with whom to battle. Each hero has unique abilities and a unique approach to combat. The current goal of the game, though it is...