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  1. D

    How to turn a car by pressing left or right?

    Not sure If you could somehow put the current angle that a unit is facing into a variable. You could create Trigger based spells with the hotkeys (Arrow Left) etc. Something like Action - Order Unit - Triggering unit to Face Angle (Current_Angle_Variable + 11.25) or something like that...
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    Hero "soul" Revive problem

    Short Answer I would see more logic in simply creating a variable of unit. and having Event - a unit dies Condition - Unit type comparison - Paladin Action - Create 1 Ghost for (Player 1 Red) at ...etc - Set Pal_Ghost = last created unit - Wait 30 sec - Revive Hero Instantly at centre of...
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    Marine attack sound path

    Sound From the tests i ran, it came out the only way i could remove the sound was by changing the model... the model itself has that 'machine gun' noise.
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    Custom Trigger Spell. Problem/Fix

    Sweet :) Thanks alot, to anyone who stumbled across this and has any useful tips for a first time mapper. feel free to throw em in :) +Rep Kom
  5. D

    Custom Trigger Spell. Problem/Fix

    Thanks Reading over it, it all makes sense... little curious as to why u need custom script to set an integer back to default 0... or what Temp_Point is for, but i think i can finish my spells this way. Just a side question on top of that. Can triggers run paralell, or if 2 units cast exact...
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    Neutral hostile attacks buildings?

    A Few things to check. One of your conditions doesnt match your Event. You can either copy the above tirgger, or you can complete the self-defence in 2 seperate triggers, the 2nd being the event of a unit is attacked, unit = Ghoul. Action, order attacked unit to attack attacking unit. Also make...
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    Neutral hostile attacks buildings?

    Test Time! you may need to be more specific in what the 'failure to attack buildings' exactly is. If it is in relation to them not taking buildings as priority... then change their attack to seige, it should change it, if it doesnt just make the unit a mortar team with Ghoul models. OR are u...
  8. D

    Trigger->move problems?

    Movement You have to do 1 of 2 things. Either change the units ownership AFTER it reaches its destination. Which was Team1base or something. OR if u want it to start neutral hostile, change the Guard Return Distance in "Advanced"--->"Gameplay Constants". And max it out. Then it will go as far...
  9. D

    Trigger->move problems?

    The problem Neutral Hostile have what is know as Guard Distance and Guard Return Range... This can be found in the Gameplay constants Area. i had the same problem not too long ago. I would reccomend making the spawned unit belong to perhaps Neutral Passive.. and then creating a region at the...
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    Custom Trigger Spell. Problem/Fix

    I said i was new :( First Map. first time using editor. i dont understand custom scripts yet. Nor do i know what the type of any of those variables are... speak english man! i dont know code language yet!
  11. D

    Custom Trigger Spell. Problem/Fix

    Sooo Worked well thank you. Still looking for an answer for a more efficient way to snag in the Attribute values into my variable. Each spell needs to have a Periodic Timer so far, multiple periodic timers would lag the game wouldnt it?.. There must be a better way. Also i think another reason...
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    Custom Trigger Spell. Problem/Fix

    My First question is Collect Stat Integer Events Time - Every 5.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Set Casting_Hero_Int_Integer_Red = (Intelligence of (Random unit from (Units in (Playable map area) owned by Player 1 (Red))) (Include bonuses))...