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  1. Nureru

    Need help coming up with a good anti-block trigger

    I have a square, and I'm randomly placing 60-80 (although I'd like to be able to do 100) towers into it, and I need to make sure there's a path to the other side. The trigger I have right now lags when that many towers are placed out, so it is a little bit of a pain. Anyone know how I could be...
  2. Nureru

    Silly buff issue. Help?

    I'm making a turn based game. Only one unit should be doing anything at any given time, so pausing all the others seemed to make the most sense to me. It just creates stupid problems with the way they handled pausing in WC3 :/
  3. Nureru

    Silly buff issue. Help?

    I'm making a spell based off Breath of Frost, but it's going to be cast on paused units. It doesn't seem to want to give the buff to any of the units it hits, I'm guessing as a result of this. Is there an easy way to work around this, or should I just try to pick the units that would get hit...
  4. Nureru

    I want to deal triggered damage to enemies in an arc. Help?

    No, maybe I wasn't clear. I'm making a spell like cleave, only it's manually cast and I want the damage to be triggered. What's the best way to select all the units to cleave the damage to?
  5. Nureru

    I want to deal triggered damage to enemies in an arc. Help?

    How would I get a unit group of an arc in front of a hero? The spell is point targeted, if that matters. Basically I want this: .................. ...........o...... ....x............. ........H....o... .x.........o...... ...x.............. ..........o....... ...
  6. Nureru

    Need help with save/load.

    Try this one
  7. Nureru

    How to hide region

    Did you enable last created visibility modifier?
  8. Nureru

    Stop a particular hero from auto attacking enemies?

    You could try adding the peon-type unit classification to it, but I'm not sure how that works out with having the idle worker icon show up.
  9. Nureru

    Shoot, I think I may have run into something I can't do in GUI

    Here's the trigger I tried using Custom script: call IssueTargetOrderById( udg_unit_list[1], udg_SpellArray[udg_temp_count], udg_temp_unit ) When I used IssueTargetOrder it complained about it being an integer, but it liked that all right. However, the unit just kind of stands there...
  10. Nureru

    Hashtables help?

    oh my god I can't believe I missed something so stupid thank you, that's been driving me nuts all day. Once I ran the trigger it worked excellently
  11. Nureru

    Hashtables help?

    I thought I had a handle on them, but when I tried putting them into use I appear to have failed miserably. What am I doing wrong? Here's my spell array Initialize Spell Array Events Conditions Actions Set SpellArray[0] = Cure Set SpellArray[100] = Ice Bolt...
  12. Nureru

    Shoot, I think I may have run into something I can't do in GUI

    that's kind of what I figured. I can't work jass out though, so I guess I'm doing it the long way. :(
  13. Nureru

    Shoot, I think I may have run into something I can't do in GUI

    Kind of what I was afraid of. I guess I'm going to have to do it the long way.
  14. Nureru

    Shoot, I think I may have run into something I can't do in GUI

    The unit is going to have whatever spell I pick. The spell array itself is dependent on what unit it is, so if the unit only has one spell the array will be 1 spell large and that will be picked every time.
  15. Nureru

    Shoot, I think I may have run into something I can't do in GUI

    I have some abilities put into an array, and after I randomly picked a number I want the unit to cast the ability from the array at that number. I.E. if SpellArray[0] was Acid Bomb, and I picked 0, I want to order the unit to cast Acid Bomb, but if SpellArray[1] was Thunder Clap, and I picked 1...
  16. Nureru

    Trigger problems, need help troubleshooting

    Oh, sorry, I wasn't clear. I figured out the first issue shortly after you pointed it out to me and I sat down to try to explain what was going on. The one I still don't get but works now is the flee trigger. Do you know why that one was executing when the point value was 1?
  17. Nureru

    Trigger problems, need help troubleshooting

    Yeah, that fixed it. Don't know why that didn't occur to me. I'm still curious as to why it was running in the first place, but at least the issue is gone. Thanks for your help. +rep
  18. Nureru

    Trigger problems, need help troubleshooting

    Hrm. Looking at that first loop you mentioned, I'm not sure what it's doing. What I had wanted it to do was cycle through each slot, figure out which unit had the highest agility, and then put them in that slot, remove them from the group so in the next slot it wouldn't put them in again, and go...
  19. Nureru

    Trigger problems, need help troubleshooting

    Okay, couple things going on here. I'm making a turn based game, and at the start of the battle it assigns turn order based on agility. That's here: EDIT: Fixed my first problem. Next issue is with my enemy AI. I'm using point value to dictate which AI they have. Point value of 1 means they...
  20. Nureru

    Auto attack is driving me up the wall. Help?

    Nevermind, I got it fixed. Friend brilliantly suggested I just have the enemy treat me as an ally for the duration of the spell, and it worked like a charm.