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  1. J

    Soliciting opinions on an object creation system

    I've written a bunch of Lua code that is used by the ObjectMerger (part of Newgen) to create objects. Basically, I was tired of searching through object editor fields and clicking back and forth between different tabs of objects, and wanted a way to just type out a full object specification in...
  2. J

    WIP Strategic Castle Siege 0.5

    Strategic Castle Siege Version: Beta 0.50 Presenting... my first map! It's at a point that's somewhat presentable, so I thought I'd put it out and see what people thought. I'd really appreciate any testers. Please let me know of any suggestions, bugs, or anything else. I want to thank to...
  3. J

    Minimap Craziness

    When I restrict the camera bounds to a rect, for some reason the minimap still shows the entire map, and even shows unrevealed terrain. Anybody know of a way to fix this?
  4. J

    Healing Wave Group Cast

    Has anyone else been unable to get a single dummy caster to cast Healing Wave on each unit in a group? For some reason, it only works on the first unit. I'm already filtering out units that are at full life. Is there something that prevents this particular spell from being cast multiple times...
  5. J

    How to get a dummy to cast with no Order String

    Is there any way to get a dummy to cast a spell that doesn't have an Order String? In particular, the Item Illusions ability? Any other way to create an illusion? Thanks
  6. J

    Boolexpr Leaks

    Can people confirm that a null Boolexpr only leaks when used with the GroupEnum functions? Or does it leak anytime it's used?
  7. J

    System Hashtable Attachment System (Local Handle Vars with hashtables)

    Hashtable Handle Attachment System (Local Handle Vars with hashtables) Here's a rewrite of KaTTaNa's Local Handle Vars using hashtable natives. The original can be found here: NOTE: I claim absolutely no credit for this. This involved very little...
  8. J

    Dummy Spell problem

    I'm trying to get a get a dummy caster to cast a spell on every unit in an area. However, when there are units in the group that the spell cannot target, (in this case, mechanical or hero units), the cast fails for all subsequent units. Examples: 1. 4 footmen in the targeted area: the dummy...
  9. J

    ExecuteFunc and sequential operation

    Does ExecuteFunc still guarantee sequential operation? I would like to call it from a loop (a group enumeration actually), and have some globals that I would like to set to pass as arguments to the function each time it's called. Can I be sure that the global will have the correct value for each...
  10. J

    Simple AOE damage without side effects?

    What's a simple AOE damage spell with a targeting image that doesn't have side effects like stun and that applies a buff to every unit or at least plays some special effect on every target? Anything besides triggering with Channel?
  11. J

    UnitUseItemPoint always returns false?

    Why is it that when I order a hero to use an item with UnitUseItemPoint, it always returns false even when the hero has clearly successfully used the item? I'm using this with a staff of teleportation, so is the casting delay the problem, or something else?
  12. J

    Specific Unit Events vs General or Player Unit Events

    Are Specific unit events much faster? When there are a constant number of relevant unit, such as making triggers for heroes, is it better to use the specific version rather than the Player unit or General unit events?
  13. J

    How do you detect channeled item use?

    When a hero uses an item like Staff of Teleportation, there's a Casting Delay where the unit is channeling the spell (just like the Archmage's Mass Teleport). How do I detect when a hero is channeling this? The unit's orderstrings are unfortunately null when doing this. I know about the Unit...
  14. J

    Detecting minimap pings?

    Is there an event that registers when a player pings the minimap? (e.g., when signaling to allies an attack location)
  15. J

    Cluster rockets buff

    Strange behavior from an ability based off of cluster rockets: I've given it a custom buff based off the Cluster Rockets buff, with custom unit attachments. But strangely, it doesn't use the attachment models I give in the custom buff, but rather the attachments specified in the default Stunned...
  16. J

    Detecting buffs on death

    When using the event A Unit Dies, can you check for buffs on the unit, or do all the buffs disappear before the trigger runs? I am trying to do that right now, and for some reason, the unit is killed by a Soul Burn buff, but checking whether the unit has that buff returns false. By the...
  17. J

    What the heck? Why does this not work correctly?

    GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted is supposed to add units to a group up to a certain number (hence Counted), right? Then why the heck is it creating a group with more than the specified number of units? I display the number of units in the group and the maximum count entered into the argument list...
  18. J

    Event: Unit A comes within range of unit B

    Unit A is GetTriggerUnit, right? Any way to get Unit B?
  19. J

    Strange behavior when benchmarking

    I'm trying to figure out how fast various ways of using hashtables are compared to globals, and wrote this simple benchmarking script. However, depending on the number of iterations in each loop, the code only reaches a certain section. As N increases, the script stops at an earlier and earlier...
  20. J

    Locations with same x,y

    If I create two Locations with the same x,y coordinates, they will be separate objects, right? I can Remove one without affecting the other?