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  1. L

    Pulling a unit to another

    If I just have the X- and Y-coordinates, how would be the function to "pull" unit A to Unit B? Sorry, but I suck at 2D-Math =D
  2. L

    Robogoblin -> Showin' Death Animation

    If my Hero uses "unrobogoblin" (morphing back to the normal form) he's showing the Death Animation, but I don't see anything wrong in the Ability-settings (or at least, I see nothing with "death" or w/e). Any trap I could've tapped in?
  3. L

    GetEnumUnit() is null? ô.0

    I used this enumeration function, but it always prints "no!", doesn't matter whether there are enemys/allys w/e in range. function notally takes nothing returns boolean local AI d = AI[udg_ut] if GetEnumUnit() == null then call CreateTextTagUnitBJ("no!", d.unit, 10.0,10.0...
  4. L

    Fixing a map for 1.24c

    First of all: I unprotected the map, but just to fix it for 1.24c and nothing more. I won't cheat the map and I also won't create a map of a similar type. If that's not supported here, just close this thread. I fixed the two return-bug functions in the beginning and didn't found any more, but...
  5. L

    Spell doesn't work, maybe bad base-skill?

    I got this two triggers in my (test-)map, but the spell, which should save the target untouched and transfer all damage to the caster, doesn't work. scope HGB4 initializer HGBe4 globals private constant integer ID = 'HoGu' public real HP = 0.0 endglobals private function Cons takes...
  6. L

    Check Items in Inventory

    Is there anyway to detect the used slots in the inventory of <unit>? Or maybe check also the charges [Optional]?
  7. L

    Multiplicating not allowed?

    Even if I am a noob in (v)Jass, I wrote a trigger for a spell which does the same as Stormbolt, but heals the caster. And i wanted to do it without any dummy unit, which heals my hero. Here's my script, but the red marked line creates a syntax error: And here in Jass (because with [Jass] i...