Search results

  1. M

    Slumdog Millionaire?

    you are too late, awesome movie, really deserving awards
  2. M

    District 9

    all is computerized so fake
  3. M

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    When this part of harry potter series released, i never heard
  4. M

    Thursday Joke

    Once a lady was talking rudely with a street hawker. Old Lady: I will break your 64 teeth if you say a single word more. Hawker: Looking stunned at the old lady Third Person: Looking strange at the lady and thought for a while and said slowly teeth are only 32 then how she can break 64...
  5. M

    World Prisoners Honor Jackson with 'Thriller' Shows

    i did not find the original video of thriller on internet, anyone can provide me the resource
  6. M

    building a remote control?

    you can google for tutorials online