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  1. Sunchips

    Exceed limit for tiles in a map

    I know it's possible to exceed the limit of used tiles for a map but how do I do it? I have NewGen WE but I'm not sure how to do this. :(
  2. Sunchips

    Abilities not stored in game cache

    I have made a trigger where a unit is being transported in a special way. When a unit enters the start of the tunnel a dummy unit is spawned at his point, storing the real unit in a game cache and then removes it. The dummy unit fades out slowly until it is fully transparent and disappear...
  3. Sunchips

    Cant call animation tags

    I downloaded the villager model with 40 animations on the hive and I copied the trigger to call the animation tags but it doesn't work =/
  4. Sunchips

    Model Ravager model from WoW (Herod's Axe)

    Made this is in milkshape and uploaded this to the but they rejected it as it wasn't allowed to use textures from wow there so if someone want to see it, feel free to download =) It's a two-handed attachment
  5. Sunchips

    Ravager model from WoW (Herod's Axe)

    Uploaded this to the but they rejected it as it wasn't allowed to use textures from wow there so if someone want to see it, feel free to download =) It's a two-handed attachment EDIT: Sorry wrong forum
  6. Sunchips

    Module texts screwed up

    My screen is retarded and sets itself to a completely wrong resolution sometimes when I start a game and I happened to have the NewGen WE open while this happened and now I can't read the text in modules such as object editor :mad: (see attached picture) It's not showed as raw data and I tried...
  7. Sunchips

    Morphing spell

    How do I do if I wanna do a morphing spell? If I for example want a footman to be able to morph into a knight how can I make this spell? I have tried to customize metamorphosis but thats just really weird and so I tried the bear form ability but also that messes up. And I can't find a way to...
  8. Sunchips

    Using a gate's opened model

    I wan't a gate in my map to be open but I can't find any way to do so because it's a custom gate so it's a doodad and not a destructible so I can't use the action in a trigger "Open gate"
  9. Sunchips

    Cinematic trigger screws up

    I have a trigger that enables the trigger thats is posted below. It correctly enables the next trigger but that one is supposed to start a cinematic but it always screws up. It is supposed to fade out to black mask over time and then fade in again after a couple of seconds but the actio "Fade...
  10. Sunchips

    Story Ideas for my RPG map

    Im working on a 1-4 player RPG map wich is supposed to have a story-line with quests relative to it. Also there are optional quests beside the story-line. As for the story I haven't been thinking too much. So far I have decided the villains are the scourge and the burning legion. I have some...
  11. Sunchips

    Please help with Unit Group Trigger

    Okay I've never worked with unit group triggers before so I'm pretty lost can someone help me? :o I've tried to make a trigger wich creates a specific amount of ghouls in a region depending on how many players are playing (1 ghoul if one is playing, 2 if 2 are playing etc.) and then they will...
  12. Sunchips

    Disconnects when using EGUI action on map in LAN

    Okay I have made an RPG map and when I play it lan with my brother have made an EGUI trigger wich detects when any player types a message in the chat he will be provided with a hero but when you trigger this function all players except the host gets disconnected :/
  13. Sunchips

    Additional tiles

    With Grimex in NewGen world editor you are supposed to be able to have more tiles than normally right? You can click down on extensions and then you can add additional tiles but it doesn't work :confused: how do I do?
  14. Sunchips

    Map not working anymore

    Im using NewGen World editor and i tested my map then i moved an item like 5 yards and tried to start again but then it can't start the map anymore just like when a map doesn't work with the patch you have installed, the teams dont show up and shit. All I did was freaking moving a doodad...
  15. Sunchips

    Hero selection

    Im making an rpg map and im trying to make a good hero selection in the start but I don't know rly where to start it's not that I don't know the editor and gui and stuff but I don't rly know the easiest way to do it :/ I want the heroes to stand at a point on the map and then you can click them...
  16. Sunchips

    Viewer can't find frozen throne models

    I use Warcraft 3 viewer v 2.3c and it can only find reign of chaos models :S why?
  17. Sunchips

    Text message won't show

    For now I want the text message "Knight" to be shown for a player who selects a "Knight Selection"-unit on my map but it won't show the message. Here's my trigger Text Knight Events Unit - Knight Selection 0010 <gen> Is selected Conditions Actions If (All...
  18. Sunchips

    "Extionsions" not working in NewGen WE

    Alright so I found something nice with the "Extension" tap in the NewGen world editor wich makes you able to use more tiles than you usually can. One problem. It doesn't work. "Oh cool look at all those tiles and I can just pick any of them hell yeah" "Well I think those looks neat...
  19. Sunchips

    Anti-Ceat system for RPG map (single player)

    Well I thought you could just detect it as text whenever someone types like whosyourdaddy or greedisgood but apparently you can't... So I really need to know, does anyone know of any tool or something that can detect this? Otherwise I'll have to make my map 2-4 instead of 1-4 :(
  20. Sunchips

    Tree from Dark Invasion and other maps

    I've been seeing a rly cool tree doodad in some maps and I want it in mine aswell but I can't find it on hiveworkshop :( does anyone know where I can get it? It looks like the world tree but with twigs and leaves