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  1. A

    How's this for a map concept?

    You start out in a large open map as a necromancer and there's alot of semi random corpses all arround. Your goal is to kill other necromancers by zerging them with ressurected corpses. You can use different types of them good for differnt purposes. You can go out and hunt for ressurectable...
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    Triggered ability help needed

    atm im making a costum ability for my campaign, it launches a frostbolt to all targets in range, damages them and slows them i based the main spell on fan of knives, it does the animation and damage, and the dummy is based on cripple, and is supposed to slow the problem is, whats the...
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    campaigns and custom units

    im trying to make a campaign, and it involves costum units only problem is that i cant get them to work properly can any1 explain?
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    My new campaign - My first project

    today i have decided to do my first real project, a single player campaign for wc3 tft its about kel'thuzad and the rest of the undead that stayed in lordearon after arthas went to northrend its mainly made to teach myself more about working in we, not realy to produce a campaign that...
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    best/worst ???

    we all have maps we love we all have maps we hate lets make a list of maps we love and hate! i'll start: best/worst aos best: eve of the apocalypse: twilight why: it has a good choice of heroes, all very original, nice layout, multiple game areas(stormwail peak ftw), easy to learn...