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  1. S

    Your "success" so far

    Does it deal it's actual melee damage while doing so? Sounds like an awesome ranged, single-target baneling-like thing if it does.
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    Your "success" so far

    Like, actually launching itself there in the sense of leaving the old location, flying towards it's target and landing there? Or rather like a missile that looks like the launching unit?
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    Copying Regions

    There are some strange things that happen when copying regions. 1. when I copy and paste a region it halves it's size, quite annoying to have to do it double sized in the first place if you want to copy it multiple times. Is that behaviour normal for everyone? 2. if I select multiple...
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    Waits in SC2 - oddities and solutions

    concerning the "games with more players": See my post here, crashed the game for me with just 2 players. I at least can't see something I messed up with my triggers, but if you got a map to test it we could sometime, I'm on europe, too.
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    Your "success" so far

    I tried your system too, singleplayer started via editor works fine, singleplayer via battlenet works fine, however, when I tried it with 2 vehicles at once (with 2 players, ofc) the game crashes ~3s after the vehicles spawn. But of course I could have messed something up while adding the 2nd...
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    [System] Smooth Timers

    My only guess would be that since you can't have 0.03125 as a real entered there since the real input is limited to 4 digits after comma, it can't display 7.9872 as a result for some reason, but I'm at a loss for that reason too.
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    Your "success" so far

    There's a trick with replacing an original map file (after you've hosted it) in your cache folder with another mapfile, the game will play any map like that, also possible for multiple players if all of them replace their files. Nicely done, but I noticed something which I don't quite...
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    Question about custom command aura

    But the normal command aura which various creeps have and the war drums aura from kodo beasts is also set to 0.10 (10%) and doesn't apply two times. Just tested it, kodo beast with war drums aura and 100-100 base damage: 100-100 +10 Arachnid creep from icecrown with normal command aura...
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    Question about custom command aura

    Hi, I had some problem with my barrage ability. It wasn't applying it's bonus damage at all, which I could not really solve. So I decided to give the dummy self-only command aura to avoid creating 10 dummys for 1 ability. I set the command aura damage bonus fields to 0/1/2/3 etc. The...
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    How to make "yellow" building attackable?

    Which field would I need to change in the object editor to make, for example, murloc huts, which you need to attack by forced attack instead of simple right click, to be attackable by right click?
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    Triggered Evade?

    If you want spells to be avoidable too, you could detect the damage that you take, and with a chance to happen according to your wanted evasion, heal the damage afterwards.
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    My first vJass spell, doesn't work, need help

    Well, they don't need to be constant if I'm careful to never change them, right? Now I just need to know if the unit in the first loop leaks, and how I would go about removing the leak, since nulling it inside the loop would stop the loop, but nulling it outside isn't possible since it...
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    4 Spells/trigger questions

    1) You can't really "cast" the original windwalk on something. You could add it to the unit via trigger, order the unit to cast it, and immediately remove it. I'm not 100% sure if the invis, movespeedbonus, and breaking damage would persist if you immediately remove it. 2) Perhaps there's an...
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    My first vJass spell, doesn't work, need help

    omg my error was so easy and still I overlooked it over and over again local integer lvl=GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, 'A00N') had the wrong unit to take the abil level from :banghead:, everything working now. €: btw, my first loop leaks a unit everytime, doesn't it? However, I can't null it...
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    My first vJass spell, doesn't work, need help

    Yeah I did that, and there is still no damage dealt and no single unit spawned, so I'm pretty much down to my group selection or my channel spell. Does an aoe targetted spell return a target point? (the center probably?) The filter function can't bug it, since it still doesn't work if I set...
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    My first vJass spell, doesn't work, need help

    All right again :) But even if my draincount wouldnt exist at all, the damage should still be applied, and 1 unit should be spawned.
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    Removing preexisting units via Triggers

    You could remove every existing Unit which could be spawned by the spell when you cast the spell by doing this: You need to add 1 condition for every new unit you would add, and you could even add every unit for every level of the spell to the conditions. Temp_Group is a unit group global...
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    My first vJass spell, doesn't work, need help

    Well, thanks for that optimization, but that was of course not the problem that the spell stops working somewhere between the call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, targetloc, 500, Condition(function unitfilter)) and the call UnitDamageTarget(damager, u, 125*lvl, true, true, ATKTYPE, DMGTYPE...
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    My first vJass spell, doesn't work, need help

    that's what I tried, but when I try to declare the globals like globals private constant integer array UNIT[1]='h003' private constant integer array UNIT[2]='h004' //bla endglobals it will not parse, saying that I already declared a variable in the first line, and would be trying to declare...