Search results

  1. K

    Buying Houses like in LOAP?

    In LoaP they do it like this: This is the trigger that let's you but the house: buy house Events Unit - A unit enters Buy House 500 G <gen> Conditions ((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True ((Owner of (Entering unit)) Current gold) Greater than or equal to...
  2. K

    Where is the "Arthas playing the guitar" model?

    What it says in the title. I found it once, but can't find it again.
  3. K

    Need some interesting ideas over here xD

    Shrunken Head Drops from Trolls Maybe for potions, combined with other "tribal" items? Essence of Giant Ogre Fecal Matter Drops from Ogre's, make it a very rare item :P Maybe for a item that makes units run away from the smell, like a form of Roar.
  4. K

    Setting Gold from Unit

    Just use this action in the trigger that destroys the unit(s) Player - Add -1 to (Owner of (Dying unit)) Current gold Or do you want it so it gives you gold every N seconds for every unit you have?
  5. K

    Selling items TO units

    They are abilities. Add "Select Unit" to your shop and remove "Select Hero" from the shops' abilities.
  6. K

    Camerar? Visibilty?

    Yes, it is. With these two actions: Camera - Set the camera bounds for Player 1 (Red) to Region 000 <gen> Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across Region 000 <gen> The first one is under "Camera - Set Camera Bounds" the...
  7. K

    Abilty level

    I found the condition you are looking for: (Level of Ancestral Spirit for (Dying unit)) Equal to 1 It's under "Integer Comparison -> Unit - Level of Abillity for Unit" :thup:
  8. K

    My Question Topic

    Komaqtion, your second trigger doesn't work, I think you accidentaly only changed the action because it's exactly the same as your first trigger ;). This trigger works: training Footman Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit Conditions (Unit-type of...
  9. K

    ability levelups at particular levels

    I'm afraid that is imposibble
  10. K

    CAn a hero build tower?

    After some experimenting with triggers I came up with these triggers: Build Events Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Build Tiny Farm Actions Player - Disable Build Tiny Farm for Player 1 (Red)...
  11. K

    CAn a hero build tower?

    If I understand you correctly, you want to make a hero ability that builds a tower? And if you level it up you build a stronger tower? If that's so, you can base the abillity on "Build tiny farm" (an item ability) Change it into an hero ability, add levels and the structures it builds for...
  12. K

    Capture the NODE system!

    I'd like to point out it's from the game Unreal Tournament III. Goode olde UT :D (however, UTIII was the worst of the series) If I understand you correctly, you want to make a game like this? And do you want vehicles and weapons, or just the basic idea of linking the cores with nodes you...
  13. K

    Looking for Terrainer

    :( I guess you don´t need my help anymore ;)
  14. K

    Looking for Terrainer

    I'm interested in the 'job'. I am a decent terrainer, not so good, but not so bad either. EDIT: Can you make a sort of map in paint, where you sketch the places you want to have the buildings? It would be more helpfull to me than the description!
  15. K

    Board Game Contest

    Maybe I´m going to make a "Game of the Goose" type of game. ( I am going to add some other types of fields, such as "If you get on this field, you and an other player must duell". Just "if you get on this field, go 4 places forward" is too dull.
  16. K

    Slow Trigger condition help!

    I have just the condition you´re looking for! ;) slow Events Conditions Actions If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) If - Conditions (Current movement speed of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (Default...
  17. K

    Strange Goings-On

    Did you delete the Melee initialization trigger? It makes the townhall and de peasants If you didn't: here is how you delete it: 1. Open the trigger editor (F4) 2. delete the melee initialization trigger (select it and press del)
  18. K

    Creep Respawn help

    Oh yes, sorry, i was wrong :). It must be something else then.
  19. K

    Creep Respawn help

    The creeps don't respawn because of the wait-action. The world editor "forgets" what the triggering unit was after an wait-event. Before the wait, set a unit-variable to Dying Unit, then add the wait, and add the Create Unit action, creating a "unit-type of type (UnitVar)" trigger: Creep...