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  1. kirinelf

    Selecting Hero after using Resurrection

    My Hero has a skill based off Resurrection, but every time he resurrects, it's annoying having to select him again. I tried making a simple trigger to reselect him after he revives: Resurrection Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions...
  2. kirinelf

    Castle Defense Spawn Code Problem

    Well, I'm making a Castle Defense, and the problem is that the spawn doesn't work. It's similar in theory to the spawning system in a tower defense: At a certain point in time, a wave of creeps is spawned and ordered to move to a certain point. The key difference between my CD and conventional...
  3. kirinelf

    Increase Maximum Health Aura

    How would I make an aura that increases the maximum health of units? Also, in reverse (Basically the same aura with a negative value), an aura that decreases the maximum health? I couldn't find an aura that does it in the Abilities area of the Object Editor, although it could be that I...
  4. kirinelf

    Combination Spells

    How hard would it be to make them? Say... Hero A uses Skill A. If Hero B uses Skill B in a certain timeframe (Say about 1 second), both skills get cancelled, and the two use Skill C, a more powerful skill that costs no mana. If Hero B doesn't use Skill B, nothing happens. Inverse is true: If...
  5. kirinelf

    Difficulty Scaler (Castle Defense)

    I'm currently making a Castle Defense genre map (Project linked here), and I would like to implement SD_Ryoko's Difficulty Scaler into my map. I have a general idea set out that might or might not be correct, but I would like to know how to create an ability to buff health, armor and damage...
  6. kirinelf

    WIP Defense of the Heart

    //.:~Defense of the Heart~:.\\ Created by kirinelf Current Status: BETA4 Current Priority: Fixing the spawning bug. Important: Currently the automated spawn doesn't work. To cause the next spawn to appear, type -spawn into the chat message. I'm working on fixing this, so stay...