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  1. C

    Want a really relaxed map

    Here is a very relaxing map
  2. C

    Maps on Vista and admin mode

    I'm pretty sure it is... I've tried many things but cant get on Bnet unless i run it in admin mode (even when UAC is disabled)
  3. C

    Maps on Vista and admin mode

    Well that works, but i'm not really sure how to get on Bnet while in non-admin mode... i'm not sure if it is possible
  4. C

    Maps on Vista and admin mode

    If i open world editor normally and click open, the map is there in my downloads folder. If i right click the shortcut for the world editor and run it in administrator mode, then click open, the map is NOT there in my downloads folder while all the other maps still are. If i try and host...
  5. C

    Maps on Vista and admin mode

    Nope, still have the same problem after disabling UAC
  6. C

    Maps on Vista and admin mode

    Ok so, I now know that one is supposed to run the world editor in administrator mode when mapping on vista. However, over the past few days i've put considerable work into a map while NOT using administrator mode. Now, i can access the map in the editor anytime that i run the editor in...
  7. C

    Holy Strike Ability

    Hello, I'm trying to make a hero ability so that when my hero attacks, he heals all allies in the area around him (kind of like a vampire aura that heals allies in an aoe instead of just the unit who is attacking-but this is not aura). The ability should heal (10 * Level of the ability) hit...
  8. C

    Making AI stay in a certain area

    Hi, I've made a trigger so when a certain amount of time has elapsed, units will be spawned (at point 1) for a computer player, and are then ordered to attack to a certain point(point 2). Spawning and giving orders works fine, however, after the units attack-move to my designated point (and...
  9. C

    Mercenary Camp Only Sells to Certain Players

    Even if the merc camp is an enemy to a player, he/she is still able to buy units from it. :(
  10. C

    Mercenary Camp Only Sells to Certain Players

    Hi, how can I make it so a mercenary camp only sells units to a certain group of players... say group 1[player 1,2,3, and 4]. I want it to NOT sell to any other players. Also, if possible, I would like to create a trigger to be able to change who the camp will sell units to. In my map, a...
  11. C

    Life Drain Targets Multiple Enemies

    Hopefully when you click on the icon to cast the spell it will instantly start draining life from say, 8 targets within 900 range of the hero.
  12. C

    Life Drain Targets Multiple Enemies

    Hi, any ideas on how I could do this? I dont think using Life Drain as the base skill would work, as you cant change the number of targets. :(
  13. C

    Removing Units

    Meh, sorry if this has already been posted... but how do I make a simple trigger to remove all the units owned by a particular player if he leaves the game? My map has 8 players.
  14. C

    Too many units!

    Hi, I have a trigger so that when a unit x enters a region, it creates another unit y in that region. However, when unit x enters the region (a small region at that) it creates a large amount of unit y's. I only want my trigger to happen once per game. -A unit enters region - -Create...
  15. C

    Victory condition trigger - controlling certain buildings

    Hello all, I am making a king of the hill type map, except there are four "hills." I am having trouble making my victory condition. To take a "hill" players must destroy the flag (a building with orc banner model) within a zone. If the player destroys that flag, then a new flag is instantly...
  16. C

    Permanently removing an ability

    Thanks Maximus, but my only problem now is I keep errors for the action: -custom script: set udg_TempAbility = TempAbility When I enter it exactly as u said, it says "Type Mismatch in Assignment." Heh, any more help?? Thx a lot
  17. C

    Permanently removing an ability

    Ok I found where it was, but it still does'nt work. :banghead: I dont think I want my event to be the unit "learns" the ability, but rather the ability is "added" to my hero. Is there a such thing?
  18. C

    Permanently removing an ability

    Btw, it doesnt come up in the search feature...
  19. C

    Permanently removing an ability

    Uh, where do I find the [ability learned] condition? Srry for my noobness but I can only find [ability being cast]. Thx....
  20. C

    Permanently removing an ability

    How can I make it so when a unit gains an ability through a trigger, they permanently lose that ability after a certain amount of time. The ability I'm using is reincarnation. I have tried: -unit learns a skill (maybe i need to change something here?) -ability being cast equal to...