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    3D Projectile problem I Know already have a lot Projectile system, but this Projectile is much powerful and complex, also has a lot problem. If Projectile Have a target ,this system often rotate around target for a for a while...
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    function method interface bug!

    vJass interface has a big bug,handle can't clear,interface base on use trigger array ,when interface use it,begin create a new trigger,this trigger not stack,so handle start glow. Projectile 0.26 has this problem,you can download Jesus4Lyf's AgentStats check it. How to fix this problem?
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    Cone Furmula problem

    function DoesQuadContainOrigin takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4 returns boolean local integer counter = 0 if (x1-x2)*y1 < x1 * (y1-y2) then set counter = counter + 1 endif if (x2-x3)*y2 < x2 *...
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    Count attack and Animation System request

    As people konw,LoL is icefrog's new game ,this game use a lot count attack ability ,just like damage 1 time do something ,2 time do something,then let count go 0, maybe people say this so easy ,I know,I just think a system manage it .Animation System it's little hard original idea is from...
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    Advanced Missile System requests

    :)There are many missile systems had been created,Why would it be a new? The above skills in a very complex missile skills, is not the missile system, :)so I...
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    Need a lot name

    English is not my native language, my English vocabulary is not a lot, I'm making a game, according to ancient war trilogy, the adaptation of a good game to name. Also need many new hero names. Hero is: Seven Lord: Demon ChaosLord, DoomDragonlord, VoidLord, ApocalypseLord, DarkLords...
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    Hero names

    I need some hero's name, Dragon warrior, nether dragon, space lord, blood knight ,Doomguard.