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  1. S

    Is there a "Unit Has Specific Ability" condition?

    Hi, I'm creating a custom ability where there is a % chance that something will occur when a unit attacks. Is there a condition to test whether the attacking unit has ability X? The closest thing I can find is the boolean condition "Unit Has Specific Buff". Help is appreciated. Thanks!
  2. S

    How to detect when Reincarnation activates?

    Hi, (I'm making a spell where, when Hero X dies, a tombstone building spawns. If the tombstone is alive after 15 seconds, Hero X revives with full health. If the tombstone dies, he revives with 1 HP.) For the above ability, I'm wanting to know how to detect Reincarnation with a GUI...
  3. S

    How do I create custom units quickly?

    Hi, I remember reading somewhere that you could uncheck/check an option that would remove lag when creating new units. I don't remember where or what it is, though. If you know of such a function, please tell me :confused: My com is quite old (1GB RAM) and it's horribly inefficient to wait...
  4. S

    Making Hero Respawn Times Proportionate to Level, HP and MP

    Hi all, I am making a Dota-based game, and I'm having problems setting the respawn times of heroes who die. Ideally, the hero takes X seconds to respawn, where X is: - Level of the hero when he died * 2 plus - Max hitpoints of the hero when he died / 90 plus - Max mana of the hero...
  5. S

    Respawning a Random Powerup in Its Original Position After X Seconds

    Hi all, 1st post! I am new here :) I'm making a variant of IceFrog's DotA as practice / for fun, and I'm wondering how the runes (powerups like Haste and Regen) are made to respawn at the exact same location, after, say, 40 seconds? Also as an extra, how do I make the Powerup a random...