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  1. Kling[o]


    I'm starting learning Jass and I wanted to know if there's a website or anything that show all Jass function?
  2. Kling[o]

    Pitch Angle

    Is this posible to change pitch angle whit triggers? Edit: I have another question, how can I change max hp whit trigger?
  3. Kling[o]


    How to make the spell "shockwave"(the one already made) to heal ally who get hitted and give them a buff which up the attack and the armor?
  4. Kling[o]

    Pick unit who don't have mana

    How to pick unit who don't have mana?
  5. Kling[o]

    Three Questions

    1. Is this possible , whit trigger , to add a specific buff? 2. I used a function to make a lightning start from the ground to go in the air , everything is ok about that . But the problem is: I want to move that lightning , How? There's the function:Custom script: set udg_Lightning =...
  6. Kling[o]

    Need help whit a spell

    I made a spell called Arcane Storm , I posted it at THW and Someone said Hashtable Is better so, I tried to make my spell whit hashtable but i have questions and Problem(s) about my spell's trigger. Problem(s) 1.I want the special effects I've created in trigger is destroy when the spell is...
  7. Kling[o]

    Lightning Effect

    How to make a lightning effect that start at ground to finish in the air?
  8. Kling[o]

    Arc Movement

    Hi! i'm new on this forum and i wanted to know how to do an arc movement whit trigger.